Have you ever found yourself obsessed with a word just because it sounds funny or weird? You keep repeating it over and over again, rolling the vowels to find out if sounding it out loud any other way makes sense. Take “Plumber” for instance. It’s a pretty simple word but have you ever thought about where it originated from?

Dating back to the Roman Empire, the word plumber is derived from the Latin word “plumber,” which means lead. You are probably wondering why lead though, right? It’s poisonous, can cause various health problems, and is not good at all for a life-long plumbing system. Well, at the time, the Romans boasted how they had great aqueducts, water channels, and pipes. They had quite the advanced plumbing system in every place such as public baths, underground sewers, and homes. The freshwater they received had many mineral deposits that protected people from lead poisoning. The amount of calcium in the water had built around a thick layer of plaque inside the pipe that prevented the contact between water and lead.

The Romans were known for the sewer system they had developed. Their sanitary systems were supervised day and night. They were the ones who brought about the efficiency of the sewage and drainage systems. The streets were regularly cleaned to prevent the spread of foul smells. Although various diseases became rampant in the public toilets, dirty water was not the cause behind it. Lack of overall hygiene was the main problem, which was more common amongst the villagers.

The purpose of telling this is that the infestation brought into your house due to water damage became prominent in the 20thcentury.

Understand What Causes Water Infestation

You spilled water on your living room rug and instead of soaking it up with towels; you leave it to air dry. Since the rug is thick, even after 5 days, it has a little moisture left in it. The next day, when you step on the rug, you find it a little slippery and slimy.

This is what water does to any surface that is not dried completely. Be prepared because you will be seeing a parade of cockroaches, as well as silverfish roaming on this area. Just like the leftover food in the kitchen tempts ants and other insects, the warm moisture in your attic creates a breeding ground for pests. Don’t forget the bathroom, and especially the moisture in the tub, cabinet underneath the kitchen sink, etc, all of these are ideal environments for bugs. Before you start browsing for DIY solutions to kill these bugs, we regret to inform you that they will not work. An infestation caused by water damage is best handled by plumbers in Rhome, TX. It’s possible that there’s a leak in the roof that has compromised the attic and caused an infestation inside the walls or one of the plumbing pipes has a blockage. In the latter case, you need to call for water line repair in Rhome, TX.

Pro Tip: To keep the mats in the bathroom free of water, replace them with drainage mats.

Let’s have a look at some of the insects that you might see near moist areas:


Has it ever felt like this particular creepy-crawly survives over-the-counter bug sprays and maybe even a nuclear war? Alright, that’s taking things a little bit too far but really; it seems like you kill one and the next minute, another one appears. To get rid of cockroaches, get a dehumidifier. Since roaches love moisture, you will be removing the very environment, which they are attracted to. The might be crawling out through the bathtub drain or from another part of the house. Their prime target: that squishy, moist area in your bathroom or the wet surface in the house.

Water Bugs

These creepy-crawlies are similar to cockroaches and as the name says, they are attracted to water. The only difference is that they survive in water and are mostly found outside in ponds, pools, etc. They make their way into the house and head towards the water source, which is mainly the bathroom. When cockroaches and water bugs combine, they are harder to get rid of. This is why, first: you need to call a plumber in Rhome, TX to get the water line inspected and then pest control: to eliminate the bugs completely.


Silverfish is mostly found in the bathroom. You can easily spot them from their long antenna, bristly tails, and floating motion. You will find them coming out of the drain and under the bathroom sink cabinet because they thrive in places with high humidity.

The problem is: when silverfish don’t a good enough water source, they roam around the house searching for wet spots. Silverfish infestation is harder to tackle because it requires you to empty the house as the plumber in Rhome, TX looks for their point of origin.

Mold Mites

Any place that is wet is vulnerable to mold and mildew, which creates a breeding ground for mild mites. These bugs are white or tan and feed on mold. They reproduce as quickly as cockroaches and are the leading cause of allergens. The good news is: their spread is limited to the area where mold is growing, which is why you only need to get rid of the green, slimy and wet patch. A plumber in Rhome, TX will help you identify the beginnings of mold in hidden areas that usually accumulate water. If you have a water leak, you will find patches of mold in the attic and basement.

Drain Flies

Perhaps the most annoying bug is the drain fly. You will find them mostly roaming on top of the toilet seat or inside the toilet bowl because they feed on waste. You need to make sure that your drain system does not have a blockage, which is probably why drain flies are flying out of it and into the bathroom. Call for drain cleaning in Rhome, TX as soon as you spot drain flies circling the drain pipe in the bathroom.

While water is the main source that attracts these bugs but you will find that inadequate weather stripping around the doors and windows adds to the infestation. Leave the plumbing in Rhome, TX to a professional and install new weather stripping around the doors and windows yourself.

Now that you know how even a small leak can cause a nasty infestation, you should call a plumber in Arlington, TX for regular maintenance. Benjamin Franklin is a company that offers emergency plumbing services that are performed by qualified plumbers. To get in touch with a plumber in Arlington, TX area, call 817-478-4119.