On-site sewage facilities are a necessary part of many homes and businesses. They allow people to dispose of their wastewater in an environmentally friendly way without having to rely on the public sewer system. Many types of on-site sewage facilities are available, and it can be confusing to know which one is right for your home or business. This article will provide a brief overview of the different types of on-site sewage facilities available to help you decide which is right for you.

Septic Systems

Septic tanks are the most common type of OSSF, particularly in rural areas. A septic tank is a watertight concrete, fiberglass, or plastic chamber. It is typically 6 feet wide by 8 feet long and 3-4 feet deep. Septic tanks can be used for domestic wastewater treatment and stormwater detention. The septic tank allows solids to settle to the bottom, where they decompose.

The effluent then flows out of the septic tank into a leach field, which is dispersed into the soil. Septic tanks typically need to be pumped by a plumbing service professional every three to five years to remove the accumulation of sludge from the bottom of the tank.

Chamber System

A chamber system is a type of septic system that uses a series of chambers to treat wastewater. The chamber system is a cheaper and easier alternative to the traditional septic tank and leach field system. It is also less likely to fail and cause environmental problems. The chamber system works by separating solids from liquids in the wastewater. The solids are broken down by bacteria in the chamber, while the liquids are absorbed into the soil.

The chamber system is an effective way to treat wastewater, becoming increasingly popular in many parts of the country. However, it is important to note that the chamber system does not work well in areas with high water tables or poor drainage. Therefore, you need to consult a plumbing service professional in Mansfield, TX, to see if the chamber system is right for your home or business.

Aerobic Treatment Unit

An aerobic treatment unit, or ATU, is a septic system that uses oxygen to break down waste. Unlike traditional septic systems, which rely on anaerobic bacteria to decompose waste, aerobic systems use aeration to promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms. This process not only speeds up the breakdown of waste but also helps to reduce odor. In addition, aerobic systems are typically more compact than traditional septic systems, making them ideal for smaller properties.

ATUs are typically used in areas where the soil cannot absorb the effluent from a traditional septic system. They are also used in areas where the water table is high to prevent groundwater contamination. Consult a plumbing service professional to see if an aerobic treatment unit is right for your home or business.

Mound System

A mound system is a type of septic system that uses a series of mounds to treat wastewater. The mound system consists of a septic tank, effluent filter, and pump. Mounds are created by excavating soil from the property and using it to build a series of berms or mounds. The effluent from the septic tank flows into the effluent filter and then to the pump.

The pump lifts the effluent to the mound, where it is dispersed through a network of pipes. The effluent then flows down through the soil, where bacteria treat it. The treated effluent then flows into groundwater or surface water.

Mound systems are typically used in areas with high water tables or poor drainage. They are also used in areas where the soil cannot absorb the effluent from a traditional septic system. Mound systems are typically more expensive than traditional septic systems, but they offer several advantages, including improved effluent treatment and reduced groundwater contamination.

Drip Distribution System

A drip distribution system as a septic system is a highly effective and efficient way to distribute sewage effluent throughout an absorption field. It is a pressurized system that applies effluent directly to the soil via perforated pipes or drip emitters. This pressurized distribution provides even wastewater application over the entire absorption field.

The major benefits of using this type of system are its uniform effluent distribution and less likelihood of clogging. If you are considering installing a septic system, speak with a certified plumbing service professional in Mansfield, TX, to see if a drip distribution system is right for you.

Recirculating Sand Filter System

A recirculating sand filter system is a type of septic system that uses a sand-filled tank to treat wastewater. The wastewater is pumped into the tank, which percolates through the sand. The sand filters out solids and other pollutants, and the treated water is returned home.

Recirculating sand filter systems are typically used in homes with high water usages, such as those with a swimming pool or spa. They are also often used in areas with high water table levels, where conventional septic systems are not allowed.

Evapotranspiration System

The evapotranspiration system is one type of sewage treatment system used in rural areas. This system depends on the evaporation of water to remove waste from sewage. The sewage is placed in a holding tank where it is heated by the sun. The water then evaporates, leaving the solid waste behind. The evapotranspiration system has several advantages over other types of septic systems. It is less expensive to install and maintain and does not require the use of chemicals or electricity.

In addition, this system is more environmentally friendly than other options because it uses natural processes to treat waste. It does not require a leach field, making it ideal for properties with limited space.

Constructed Wetland System

A constructed wetland system is a septic system that uses plants to filter and purify wastewater. The system consists of lined ponds, each providing different treatment benefits. The first pond is used to settle solid waste, while the second pond provides aerobic treatment and helps to remove nitrogen. The third pond is used for final settlement and disinfection, and the fourth pond is used to store treated water for irrigation or other uses.

Constructed wetland systems are an effective and efficient way to treat wastewater, and they can be used in both urban and rural areas. In addition, they provide a habitat for wildlife and can help to improve water quality in the surrounding area. As a result, constructed wetland systems are an increasingly popular choice for septic systems.

Factors to Consider When Choosing An On-site Sewage Facility

Now that you know about the different types of on-site sewage facilities available, when you call a plumbing service professional in Mansfield, TX, to discuss your options, what should you consider? Here are some factors that can help you decide which type of septic system is right for your home:


Many factors need to be considered when choosing an on-site sewage facility. One of the most important is location. The site should be located in an area that is not prone to flooding or erosion. It should also be far from wells, surface water, and other drinking water sources to minimize the risk of contamination. In addition, the location should be large enough to accommodate the size of the facility and any future expansions.

With so much to consider, it is important to consult with plumbing service experts in Mansfield, TX, before making a final decision. Plumbing service professionals can assess your property and help you choose the best location for your on-site sewage facility.

Soil Conditions

Another important factor to consider when choosing an on-site sewage facility is soil conditions. The type of soil on your property will affect the type of septic system you can use. For example, sandy soil is well-suited for conventional septic systems, while clay soil is better suited for evapotranspiration systems. Plumbing service professionals can test your soil to determine which system will work best for your property.


The climate in your area also needs to be considered when choosing an on-site sewage facility. Climate can affect the performance of septic systems, as well as the type of maintenance that is required. For example, evapotranspiration systems are not as effective in cold weather, and they require more frequent maintenance in areas with high rainfall. In addition, rainfall patterns can also affect the performance of on-site sewage facilities. Heavy rains can produce large volumes of wastewater that can overwhelm the system.

At the same time, prolonged periods of drought can cause the soil to become too dry to treat the wastewater effectively. That is why you need the help of a plumbing service professional when choosing an on-site sewage facility. A plumbing service expert can help you assess the climate conditions in your area and choose a system that will work best for you.


The size of your on-site sewage facility should be appropriate for the amount of wastewater it will need to process. A too-small system will quickly become overloaded, while a too-large system will be unnecessarily expensive. That is why it is important to consult with plumbing service professionals before making a final decision. Plumbing service experts can help you assess your wastewater needs and choose a system that is the right size for your home.


The cost of on-site sewage facilities can vary widely, depending on the type of system you choose and the size of your property. That is why it is important to consult with plumbing service professionals in Mansfield, TX, to get an accurate estimate of the cost of the system you are considering. Plumbing service pros can help you compare the costs of different types of on-site sewage facilities and choose the most cost-effective one for your needs.


Proper maintenance is essential for all types of on-site sewage facilities. However, some systems, such as evapotranspiration systems, require more frequent maintenance than others. In addition, the type of soil on your property can affect the frequency of maintenance required. Plumbing service experts can help you understand the maintenance requirements of the type of system you are considering and develop a maintenance schedule that will keep your system operating at peak efficiency.


Be aware of any regulations in your area regarding on-site sewage facilities. Some states and counties have regulations regarding installing and using on-site sewage facilities. Make sure you are familiar with any regulations that apply to you before making a final decision about which type of system to install.

When you hire a plumbing service professional in Mansfield, TX, you will be saved from the headache of having to research all of these factors yourself. A plumbing service expert will be familiar with the regulations in your area and can help you choose a system that meets all the requirements.

Need an On-site Sewage Facility? Call a Plumber for Assistance

If you are considering having an on-site sewage facility for your home, it is critical to speak with plumbing service experts. They can help you choose the right system for your needs and ensure it is installed correctly. In addition, these experts can provide you with the information you need to maintain your on-site sewage facility properly.

When it comes to on-site sewage facilities, there is no substitute for the expertise of a plumbing service professional. So, if you need an on-site sewage facility, don’t hesitate to call a plumber for assistance.

We Are the On-site Sewage Facility Experts!

If you need help choosing or installing an on-site sewage facility in Mansfield, TX, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth can help. We are a full-service plumbing company with extensive years of experience. We are familiar with all the different types of on-site sewage facilities and can help you choose the one that is right for your needs. In addition, we can handle all aspects of the installation process from start to finish. So, if you need an on-site sewage facility, call us today.

Photo By Artem Bruk at Shutterstock