A septic system is one of the most important pieces of a home. It is responsible for collecting, treating, and disposing of wastewater from your home safely and effectively. This includes water from toilets, showers, sinks, and washing machines. However, septic systems can fail, and the consequences can be disastrous when they do.
When most people think of a septic system failure, they think of sewage backing up their homes or businesses. This is certainly one possibility and one that no one wants to experience. However, other, less obvious dangers also come with a septic system failure. This article will explore some of the dangers of septic system failure that you may not be aware of.
Contamination of Groundwater
Groundwater contamination can occur when sewage effluent leaks from a septic system into the groundwater. Groundwater is the water that percolates through the soil to fill aquifers and is a major drinking water source. Contamination of groundwater with pathogens can cause serious illness or even death. Even if the water does not contain pathogens, it may still be unsuitable for drinking if it contains other contaminants such as nitrates or chemicals.
Contamination of groundwater by a failed septic system is especially concerning if you have a private well on your property since you could inadvertently expose yourself and your family to harmful bacteria like E. coli and giardia. Drinking contaminated water can cause serious illnesses like gastrointestinal illnesses (norovirus), respiratory illnesses (Legionnaires’ disease), skin infections (cellulitis), neurological illnesses (meningitis), and hepatitides (hepatitis A). If you suspect your well water is contaminated, do not drink or use it for cooking. Contact a plumbing services company in Mansfield, TX, immediately to have your septic system inspected.
Surface Water Contamination
In addition to contaminating groundwater, a failed septic system can contaminate surface water. This includes lakes, streams, rivers, and even the ocean. Pathogens in sewage effluent can cause illness in people who swim or drink contaminated water. They can also harm fish, shellfish, and other aquatic creatures. In some cases, sewage effluent can even lead to fish kills. Contaminating surface water can also indirectly affect humans since we rely on healthy ecosystems for food, clean air, and drinking water.
Therefore, if you have a septic system, ensure its functioning properly to avoid contamination. A plumbing services company should inspect your septic system at least once a year to ensure it is functioning properly.
Loss of Property Value
Septic systems are mostly used where there is no access to a municipal sewer system. This means they are likely the only way to dispose of sewage effluent for many properties. When a septic system fails, the effluent has nowhere to go but into the environment. Therefore, when the value of your property is assessed, the presence of a failed septic system will lower the value. This is because potential buyers will be aware of the possible environmental hazards and health risks associated with a failed septic system.
They may also be concerned about repairing or replacing the septic system. If you are considering selling your property, you should hire a plumbing services company in Mansfield, TX, to inspect your septic system and make any necessary repairs before putting your property on the market.
Soil Contamination
Most people rarely think about the impact of a failed septic system on the soil. However, the effluent from a failed septic system can contaminate the soil around the leach field. This contamination can make the soil unsuitable for growing crops or other plants. In some cases, it may even make the soil unsuitable for habitation.
The level of contamination will depend on the type of effluent released, and the amount of time it is in contact with the soil. For example, effluent containing high nitrogen levels can cause problems like eutrophication and algal blooms. These problems can lead to the death of plants around the leach field. If you have a septic system, it is important to have it inspected regularly by a plumbing services company.
Soil Erosion
Though often overlooked, soil erosion is a danger of septic system failure. One of the effects or reactions of a failed septic system is overflowing sewage effluent from the septic tank. When this happens, the topsoil around the septic tank and along the path of the effluent can be eroded. In some cases, the effluent can even cause gullies to form. This soil erosion can have a significant impact on your property.
It can make it difficult to grow crops or other plants. It can also make it difficult to build structures on your property. All this can be avoided by regularly hiring a plumbing services company in Mansfield, TX, to inspect your septic system and make necessary repairs.
Damaged Property
Perhaps this is one of the main dangers of septic system failure. When a septic system fails, the effluent from the septic tank can back into your home or office through the drains. This can cause significant damage to your property, including your plumbing fixtures and appliances. In some cases, the effluent can even cause foundation problems. All this damage can be very expensive to repair. For example, you may need to hire a plumbing services company to replace your plumbing fixtures and appliances.
You may also need to have your foundation repaired or replaced. You will also have to hire a professional restoration company to remove the contaminated materials from your home and thoroughly disinfect everything to prevent mold growth (which poses risks to your health). Therefore, having your septic system inspected and repaired regularly by a plumbing services company is much cheaper and easier than incurring all these expenses.
Failed septic systems can also cause sinkholes because leaking wastewater dissolves underground bedrock, resulting in pockets of empty space that eventually collapse— forming sinkholes on the ground’s surface above them! While not all sinkholes are caused by failing septic systems (some are caused by heavy rains or changing underground drainage patterns), they’re something you want to avoid since they pose a serious risk to both people and property alike! If a sinkhole forms beneath a structure, it can cause the structure to collapse.
While sinkholes are most commonly associated with karst terrain, they can also form in areas with sandy soils or clay-rich soils. Homeowners with septic systems should therefore be aware of the potential dangers of sinkhole formation and take steps to protect their property.
One way to do this is to regularly inspect your septic system by a qualified plumbing services professional. By catching problems early, you can help prevent disastrous septic failures and avoid the dangers of sinkholes. Also, if you think your septic system may be failing, contact a plumbing services company immediately. Hiring a plumbing services expert in Mansfield, TX, to repair a septic system is much easier than dealing with the aftermath of a sinkhole.
Dangerously Polluted Air
Air quality is an important environmental concern. Poor air quality can cause various health problems, including respiratory infections, headaches, and fatigue. In extreme cases, it can lead to cancer. Air pollution is often caused by industry and motor vehicles, but it can also result from septic system failure.
Septic tanks emit methane gas—a greenhouse gas that traps heat in our atmosphere and contributes to climate change—as part of their normal operation, which means failing septic systems emit even more methane gas into the air! Not only is this bad for our planet—it’s also bad for our health since methane gas is explosive and can cause asphyxiation if there’s enough of it in the air around us.
If you suspect that your septic system has failed, it is important to evacuate the area immediately and call a plumbing service professional for assistance. In the meantime, do not attempt to operate any electrical devices or heaters, as this could spark a dangerous fire. To avoid future failures, you should also routinely hire a plumbing service company in Mansfield, TX, for maintenance and inspection.
You May Be Subject to Legal Action
Are you wondering how your septic system can get you into legal trouble? The responsibility for maintaining a septic system falls on the homeowner, who can be held liable if the system fails. This is especially true if the failure results in environmental contamination or personal injury.
You could face a lawsuit if your septic system fails and contaminates your neighbor’s well water. In some cases, you may even be required to pay for the cleanup of the contaminated area! Not only is this an expensive proposition, but it can also damage your reputation in the community.
If your septic system fails and pollutes a local river or stream, you could also be subject to legal action from the state or federal government. In addition, you could be sued for damages if someone is injured on your property due to your septic system failure.
The best way to avoid legal trouble is to have your septic system regularly maintained by a qualified plumbing services professional. This will help ensure that your system is functioning properly and help you avoid the dangers of septic system failure. Also, if you’re unsure whether your septic system is up to code, you should hire a plumbing services company for an inspection.
It Is Extremely Disruptive To Your Life
A septic system failure can be a huge inconvenience. A septic system failure can cause your toilet and drains to back up, making it impossible to use your bathroom or kitchen. You may also have to deal with an unpleasant smell from your drains. Sometimes, you may even have to evacuate your home while the problem is fixed! A septic system failure can also disrupt your water supply if there is a backup because the water will have to be shut off at the main valve to avoid cross-contamination.
A septic system failure can lead to environmental contamination, making it difficult or impossible to use your property for recreation or gardening. If you have a septic system failure, it is important to immediately call a plumbing service professional in Mansfield, TX, to fix the problem.
Damage To Your Wallet and Insurance Rates
A septic system failure can be very costly to repair. In some cases, the damage caused by a septic system failure can be so extensive that your homeowner’s insurance policy does not cover it. You will have to pay for the repairs out of your pocket! If your septic system fails and causes environmental contamination, you may also be required to pay for the cleanup of the affected area.
The cost of repairing a septic system failure can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the extent of the damage. In addition, your insurance rates could go up if your septic system fails because you will be considered a high-risk homeowner. The best way to avoid the high cost of repairing a septic system failure is to have your system regularly maintained by a qualified plumbing services professional.
It Is Better To Avoid Septic System Failure
A septic system failure is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. If you suspect that your septic system may be failing, contact a plumbing service professional immediately to have it inspected and repaired if necessary. Taking care of your septic system now will save you time, money, and headaches down the road!
We Are The Best Plumbing Company For All Of Your Septic System Needs
If you are looking for a plumbing services expert in Mansfield, TX, to handle all of your septic system needs, look no further than our team at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth. We are the plumbing services company that residents trust to keep their septic systems functioning properly. Whether it’s a septic system installation, repair, or maintenance, our team of experts is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation!