Any relatively new piece of technology is going to come with its fair share of myths. And these myths are complemented by faulty online articles and blogs. It’s best to know what you’re actually getting into before you make a purchase decision. Consult your local plumber in Fort Worth, TX to figure out if this is the right choice for you.

Myth #1: Tankless water heaters need annual maintenance

It is too generally believed that a tankless water heater is going to need a check-up once a year. However, the truth is that maintenance really depends on the quality of your water – specifically, how hard it is. The more calcium and magnesium compounds in your water supply, the harder it is, and the more mineral deposits will quickly accumulate in your water heater. This actually remains true for both tankless and traditional tank water heaters.

However, there is a difference between how tankless and tank water heaters deal with mineral deposits. A tank-type heater will cause the minerals to deposit on the bottom of the storage tank. A tankless water heater, on the other hand, will force the minerals through the entire system. Eventually, the minerals could build up in layers in some part of the system, which would result in more heat generation as the burner works at a higher temperature to adequately heat the water. At some point, maintenance will become a must if your system is to avoid burnout. It’s best to purchase a system that comes with scale detection software that will warn you of impending buildups.

The truth is that you can easily go more than a year without needing maintenance if your water is soft enough. On the other hand, hard water could necessitate more frequent check-ups and servicing. If you live in Fort Worth, which has higher than normal percentage of hard water, you will want to take this into account. Check with your local plumber in Fort Worth, TX to find out whether a tankless water heater will be a cost-effective option for you after the maintenance costs. Of course, a great way to cut down on these costs is to simply use a water softener and avoid plaque altogether. If a plaque does occur, it’s possible to get rid of it with a home kit, but plumbing in Fort Worth, TX will be able to more professionally manage a repair job.

Myth #2: Switching to a tankless system is easy and does not require permits or an inspection

You might have to get a permit and/or an inspection before making the switch to a tankless water heater. This really depends on your jurisdiction. You’ll need to consult your local HVAC or plumber in Fort Worth, TX to see what the legalities are. Additionally, since most houses are designed to accommodate traditional tank-type heaters, they aren’t properly equipped to handle a tankless heater. This means that you’ll have to make special arrangements to ensure that your home’s gas line, piping and meter are large enough to work with a tankless water heater, which will have more requirements. Talk with your local plumber in Fort Worth, TX to better understand the changes you’ll have to make to your home.

Myth #3: Tankless water heaters cost more

Well. This is partly true. Tankless systems are more expensive to purchase and install. However, it’s what they save you in costs that’s truly remarkable. They’re best thought of as an investment with especially good returns. For one thing, they dramatically cut down your energy usage. With a tank-type water heater, the water is repeatedly heated throughout the day so it’s warm when needed. This means the system is in use even when you’re not using water. On the other hand, thankless water heaters only heat water when you need to use it, and the energy savings this amounts to add up over the years.

Additionally, while the costs of installing a tank-type heater are rising, those of installing a tankless water heater are falling. Due to new regulations, manufacturers of tank-type systems now have to meet new and more expensive standards of product design. Tankless water heaters, however, already have more sophisticated technology in place and so meet these standards. Plus, as time goes on, this technology is being further improved, so tankless simply keeps getting further in the game while lowering its costs. And since the technology is superior, tankless tends to last twice as long as tank-type heaters.

Myth #4: Tankless water heaters instantly provide you with unlimited hot water

Tankless water heaters do only heat up the water according to your convenience. However, this does not mean that the water is instantly heated as soon as you turn on the faucet. You will still have to wait for a few seconds before the water has suitably warmed up and has actually travelled all the way to your faucets. The water supply isn’t exactly unlimited either. Tankless water heaters won’t really run out of water in the traditional sense, but they are definitely still constrained by the quantity of water they can produce at a given time. If too many members of the house are using the water supply at the same time, they may exceed the flow capacity, and so all the taps may not pour hot water together. The set flow rate of the tankless water heater cannot be overlooked.

Myth #5: It’s easy to install or replace a tankless water heater yourself.

As mentioned before, there could be legal technicalities and home constraints that would prevent you from easily installing or replacing your system yourself. Some upgrades to your home are best left to a professional plumber in Fort Worth, TX. It’s also important to ask to your plumbing services about what brand of tankless water heater is best suited to your requirements, and what kind of maintenance it will require. As DIY projects go, this will be an especially complicated one, so it’s much better to leave it to the experts.

Need a tankless water heater installed? Get in touch with us here.