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A Plumber Outlines Signs There Is Something Wrong With Your Well Water | Weatherford, TX

A Plumber Outlines Signs There Is Something Wrong With Your Well Water | Weatherford, TX

Installing a private well is a great investment and one of the effective ways to ensure your home has a continuous supply of clean water. For your well to serve you well, you have to schedule time maintenance and water testing. Well problems can easily make your well useless. Even when you notice a small issue, taking action fast is recommended because it can turn major when ignored.

Many homeowners understand the benefits of periodic maintenance and repairs, but only a few know the signs of well water issues and thus fail to call their plumber in time. Below are the common signs of well water issues.

Inadequate Water Pressure

If the water coming from the well has no pressure, there can be many causes, including a stuck check valve, a failing well pump, or a leaking pressure tank. In some cases, iron bacteria build up on the pipe nipple leading to the pressure switch can cause the pressure to reduce. If the nipple is clogged, the pressure switch fails to sense the pressure properly. To remove the buildup of iron bacteria, have a plumber clean your well using a solution designed to eliminate scale, slime, and iron bacteria.

Furthermore, low water pressure issues can be solved by adjusting the pressure switch to increase the pressure. This can only be achieved when the well pump and well are built to operate at a higher pressure without any issues. Before things get out of hand, contact a plumber in Weatherford, TX for help.

Well Pump and Pressure Switch Short Cycling

The common causes of well pump short cycling are issues with the water pump control switch, a faulty check valve, water leaks, loss of air charge, and blocked piping. Some of these problems can cause your well to operate 24 hours a day, thus reducing the pump’s lifespan. In many scenarios, short cycling happens when the pressure tank loses air pressure. If you suspect the pressure switch is short cycling, hire a plumber for a thorough inspection.

The Well Pumping Sand and Sediment

If your well water starts to pump sand, it signifies that your well is silting or filling with sand and silt. Your well’s water level may have dropped, causing the pump to suck sand and sediment. Typically, a well pump is installed at least 10 – 20 feet above the bottom of the well. When the pump is turned on, the water level can drop to a lower level.

If the pump is near the bottom of the well, sand and sediment can be sucked in. Sand particles can quickly wear out the pump valves and reduce their lifespan. So, if you notice sand in your water, call a plumber in Weatherford, TX before the issue worsens.

An Increase in Electricity Bills

When your pump wears out or becomes blocked with silt, sand, or iron bacteria, it is forced to work much harder than it works in good shape. The pump has to draw more power, causing a sudden increase in your electricity bills. If, however, your pump is working just fine, there is a possibility the check valve is malfunctioning, allowing water from the pressure tank to flow back from the pressure tank into the well. At some point, the pressure switch notices a pressure drop, turning the pump on again.

The on/off cycle happens every few minutes, causing your pump to run continuously for 24 hours. This cycle not only increases your electricity bill but also reduces the efficiency and lifespan of your pump, forcing you to replace it sooner than expected. If there has been a sudden increase in electricity bills in your home, call a plumber to inspect your well pump.

A Change in Water Quality

If you notice a change in water quality, it indicates something is wrong with your well pump, shaft, casing, or drop pipe. Sudden issues such as large amounts of sediment, sand, odors, or color can signal that the surface water has penetrated or leaked into the well. The best thing to do when the water quality has changed over a few days is to get your water tested. If you notice a large drop in pressure or large amounts of grit or sand in the water, reach out to a professional plumber for an inspection.

Dissolved Bubbles or Gases in Your Water

Sometimes, gases and bubbles can be trapped in your plumbing pipes, causing funny noises. Some of this air escapes when you turn on the faucets. Have a plumber do an inspection to ensure what is bringing the gases and bubbles into your water. If the water level is right and there are no cracked pipes or fittings, there could be a problem with your groundwater. Groundwater contains tables with different types of gas. The gases may be dissolved in the water, which later triggers a spurt or sputters out of the faucets.

The Well Is Pumping Air

This is another common well water issue that shouldn’t be ignored. Sometimes, you may turn your faucet, and out blasts a mixture of water and air. In the worst-case scenario, your water table may have dropped below the well pump, and the pump starts drawing air during the pump cycle. The other cause is when you have a broken drop pipe. When the drop pipe is broken, air is sucked in, causing your pump to pump out air. This is a serious problem; you need to call a skilled plumber for assistance.

To ensure your well and pump are in good condition, you must call a plumbing company to inspect your well regularly. For quality and satisfying services in Weatherford, TX, contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth. From testing your water, and well inspection to repairing your water pump, we can solve any issue your well water may face. Our experts will provide long-lasting solutions to keep you well in good shape.

Photo By Danila Shtantsov at Shutterstock