Low-Flow Shower HeadThe term “low flow” has become relatively popular when discussing plumbing and all the field has to offer. Low flow usually involves the number of gallons a device provides per minute. The lower the gallons, the more energy efficient a device can be considered.
Most modern-day toilets are now low-flow, and society is starting to see an influx in low-flow shower heads. These specific shower heads provide the right amount of pressure for those who aren’t fans of high-pressure flow (i.e. the power massagers).
Conventional shower heads usually supply roughly 6-8 gallons of water per minute. A low-flow shower head restricts water use by limiting its flow from the head, bringing the water pressure down significantly. Many low-flow shower heads supply roughly three or four gallons per minute, an important decrease for those of you trying to save money.
The low-flow shower head is an energy-efficient alternative Simply put, less water used means less of a dent in your pocket when the water bill comes. It is common in newer-model homes to see low-flow shower heads installed because of the conventional shower head’s history of losing excess amounts of water. Many models are designed with shut-off valves, which are beneficial for those who like to shower and shave at the same time.
One disadvantage of a low-flow shower head involves time value. Some may argue that these are not necessarily made for those who want to shower in a rush. For those who use opportunities to shower as an opportunity for relaxation, these may be perfect for you.
Our Fort Worth TX plumbers can provide additional information about low-flow shower heads and other bathroom remodeling options. Call our Fort Worth plumbing company today, or contact us online for details.