To fight the bitter winds of winter, you need a water heater by your side. A water heater makes sure that all your chores are done with efficiency and you don’t have to shiver while you are washing your hands. Hot water is a luxury everyone craves in the depths of winter.

Nowadays, we have seen a lot of people leaving their traditional heaters behind and turning towards a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX. Tankless water heaters go by many names, and the most famous ones are “instantaneous” and “on-demand” water heaters. The best part about having a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX is that you don’t have to wait for hours for the water to get hot.

Are you conflicted about getting a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX and looking for an answer? Here are some pros and cons of tankless water heater that will help you make the final decision:

Pros of Installing a Tankless Water Heater

Out of the many advantages of having a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX, here are a few:

1.      It Saves You Space

One of the biggest advantages of owning a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX is that it does not take much space as compared to a traditional water heater. Depending on the size, a traditional water heater can take up a lot of space.

A standard water heater is almost 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. If you are living in a small apartment, the heater will eat up a lot of your space. However, a tankless water heater is typically just 28 inches tall and 20 inches wide.

The compact size of this water heater allows you to save almost 90% of the space. You can even mount your tankless water heater on the wall. All the space from a traditional water heater will be saved and can be put to better use when you have a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX.

2.      It Saves You Energy

One of the biggest perks of having a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX is that it lowers your energy cost.

Since a traditional water eater takes longer to heat up the water, it is usually turned on all the time. Whether you have an electric water heater or a gas one, you will be paying the costs.

While when you have a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX, you only have to turn it on when you want hot water. The heating process of this heater is very fast, which allows you to save big bucks in gas and electricity consumption.

3.      The Water is Cleaner

In a traditional heater, the water is stored for a long time, especially if you don’t use it much. That allows the water to become stagnant. And since the traditional water heater is made of metal, it can also get rust inside it. That will result in contaminated water.

Using the contaminated water to wash hands, face, bathe, and cook food can cause a number of health-related issues, including skin infections.

However, when you get a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX, you don’t have to worry about any of these problems. The water inside a tankless water heater is cleaner as it is not confined for a long time.

4.      It has a Longer Lifespan

The average lifespan of a traditional water heater is about 12 to 15 years. However, if you get a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX, it will last up to 20 years.

You will also have to spend your hard earned money on maintenance of a traditional water heater. But if you invest in a tankless water heater, you will be free from the hassle of costly repairs and maintenance fees.

Tankless water heaters come with a warranty, so you don’t have to worry about repairs.

Cons of Installing a Tankless Water Heater

Every appliance you get has some drawbacks. And it is the same when you get a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX.

Following are the cons of getting a tankless water heater:

1.      Limited Water Supply

One of the disadvantages of purchasing a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX is that it has a limited supply of hot water.

The storage of water in a tankless water heater is limited. So if it is used simultaneously for showering, cleaning, or any other purposes, you might not get a consistent flow of hot water.

If you have a big family and require more hot water, the tankless water heater may not be a good fit for you.

2.      Additional Maintenance May be Required

Just like every other appliance, your tankless water heater will need to be maintained to provide you with the best results.

The maintenance cost is not covered by the warranty, so the expenditure will come out of your pocket. A tankless water heater will need to be maintained once every year to make sure it is in perfect working condition.

There may also need to but a water softer to increase the efficiency of your tankless water heater. That will also cost you money.

As you can see, the pros of buying a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX outweighs the cons. A tankless water heater is an investment. It will save you money in the long run. When you install a tankless water heater in Lake Worth, TX, you will see that you are actually saving money than spending it.

The installation of a tankless water heater is tricky, and you will need a professional to perform the job. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Fort Worth have the best technicians who will make sure that the installation goes smoothly. Call us at 817-983-7876 for further information or visit our website.