Do you want constant access to purified and good tasting water? Installing a residential water filtration system in Azle is a common solution. Doing so also means some kind of cost savings because you don’t have to buy bottled water anymore. Not to forget that you are drinking water free of contaminants, so your health remains safe and protected as well. But, here is the thing. There are too many options available for a water filtration system in Azle. So, which of them should you choose? Which would suit your needs the best? What kind of water filiations system in Azle can filter out what kind of impurities? And, what should be filtered out in the first case?

Let us take you through the main steps of selecting a water filtration system in Azle.

Find out contaminants in the water coming at your home

How contaminated is the water that is supplied to your home? You should know this before you select a water filtration system in Azle so that you know which pollutants and chemicals should be removed from the water. Contact the local water utility unit, and obtain a water quality report. Or maybe you could consider conducting water tests yourself on your own, if you can get your hands on the kit. It’s available at several hardware stores, so that should not be an issue.

Anyways, go through the report and see if the water is contaminated with lead, and if so, then what are the percentages? If you get some other information, then that would be useful as well.

Determine the required filter type

A water filtration system in Azle is available in several different types. An activated carbon filter is featured in undersink models and water pitcher filters; this system can remove heavy metal ions from water, such as lead, mercury and copper, parasites, pesticides and chlorine. If there are some other contaminants as well, then you will need another water filtration system in Azle to remove them.

Reverse osmosis removes perchlorates, whereas distillation can get rid of arsenic. Bacteria are removed by microbiological purifiers or ultraviolet disinfection. If you aren’t sure, talk to a rep at Benjamin Franklin, and they would help you decide the best water filtration system in Azle, considering the contaminants found in water in your area.

Choose a suitable location for the water filter

A water filtration system in Azle is broadly available in two main kinds of models: a whole house or point-of-entry filter, or a point-of-use filer. The former of these filters water before it enters your home’s plumbing networks, whereas the latter filters water right before usage. These sorts of filters can be further divided into a pour-through water pitcher, a faucet and undersink system, and a water bottle.

Considering the point-of-entry water filtration systems in Azle, you would primarily be using them if you want to get rid of the unpleasant smell or mineral deposits in water. Please note that if you use such a system, you may require another water filtration system in Azle to get rid of other contaminants. For instance, if your skin is too sensitive to chlorine in water, then you would probably have to attach a small filter unit to the showerhead.

Coming onto point-of – use water filtration system in Azle, the undersink model is generally more effective than other versions, because water is forced through the system at a relatively higher pressure. Plus, you can opt for a reverse osmosis filter if you get this unit. Also, an undersink water filter doesn’t require any kind of refilling with a pitcher, but it also incurs greater upfront costs.

Wrapping up the different kinds of water filtration system in Azle, you should go for a water pitcher that features a carbon filter if you are looking for a quick, convenient and affordable solution. However, if you are looking for something more permanent or another filter type, then you should consider an undersink model.

Evaluate the size

How much water is used in your home every day? You should know this so that you can pick the right size of a water filter, and determine when service is due. Every water filtration system can only clean a certain capacity of water in a given time instance. This capacity should be more than your daily water usage. If you aren’t sure, then the team of experts at Benjamin Franklin can help you out.

Opt for a certified filter system

This is really important when you are buying a water filtration system in Azle. The model that you choose should have been certified by NSF International. This assures that the system has been tested and guarantees that it does remove all contaminants.

Do you already have a water filtration system?

Already have some kind of water filter installed at your home? If you use a pitcher or a traditional purification system, then maybe you should upgrade. Bear in mind that regulations have changed over the course of time, and some old systems may not meet the standards anymore. So, evaluate all these things, and decide if you should replace your current water filter system.

If you are still confused or have queries, then talk to the experts at Benjamin Franklin Worth. The company has a significant amount of experience with water filters, and can help you out in selecting a model, and installing it at your home.

The last point to note

You should keep your water filtration system clean, and change the filters of your unit regularly. What if your system doesn’t have an automatic timer or fails to notify when a new filter is required? Keep tabs on a calendar, and note dates whenever you get the units changed. Go through the usage manual of your particular filter unit, note own when the manufacturers recommend you to change filters, and follow the schedule and manufacturer’s instruction.

After all, only when you change filters regularly can you assure that you are actually drinking pure and clean water, free from all possible contaminants.