Slab Leaks | Plumbing Fort Worth

Many homes in the U. S. are built on concrete slabs. Leaks that occur under the concrete slab foundation of the house are typically called a slab leak and it is an extremely serious situation. Pipes are located under the slab and it is these pipes that transfer water into your home, and waste water out of your home. Cracks or holes in any of your plumbing in Fort Worth can cause serious damage to your home and property.

slab leak repair

The damage that occurs inside and outside of your home with a slab leak is not something you can ignore or repair yourself. Slab leaks require immediate attention, the longer you wait for repair, the greater-and more costly the damage to your home will be. Often, the first indication of a leak in the plumbing in Fort Worth home is an elevated water or electric bill.

In your home you may notice the following problems indicating a possible slab leak:

  • Soaked carpet or ruined flooring. A leak under slab will typically find its way up and into your home. A slab leak will saturate floors and carpet, crack tile and in the case of linoleum you may notice it turning dark or spotted. Depending upon the severity of the leak water may actually be pooling on floors.
  • You may notice the sound of running water when all water is turned off.
  • If the water pipe that is leaking is a hot water line you may notice a hot spot on the floor. On the other side of the coin a cold water leak may cause cold spots on the floor.
  • A water leak may make your home smell musty or moldy. If the leak is in a sewer line your home may smell like raw sewage.
  • A water leak under the slab will cause water to enter into the walls. If your walls are drywall it will saturate it quickly, where mold is likely to begin growing in the walls. Mold can cause potentially serious health concerns, especially in occupants already suffering from asthma or other respiratory illness, allergies and immune system disorders. Cracked or soggy drywall are a sign of a slab leak in the homes plumbing in Fort Worth.
  • A slab leak can cause damage to the foundation which contains steel reinforcement and concrete. The foundation can move, sink and crack.
  • A leak in the water supply lines that go to your home can cause damage to the yard and its landscaping. It is even possible for a water leak to undermine the ground so badly that sink hole may form if the leak to your homes plumbing in Fort Worth is not repaired.

Leaks can cause catastrophic damage to the home, your homeowners insurance may or may not pay for the damage depending upon your policy terms in regards to leaks.

If you suspect a water leak, select a time when other family members will not be home, read the meter and write down the numbers. Recheck in an hour or two and use no water, ensure sprinklers or other automatic systems will not run during this time. Then read the meter again. If the numbers have changed you may have a water leak. If you are unable to locate the leak it is time to call a licensed plumber who provides leak detection services and prompt expert repair to your plumbing in Fort Worth.

The old fashioned way to repair a slab leak was to break up the slab in order to find a leak, but this destructive manner is no longer necessary with modern non-destructive leak detection equipment. In many cases, only a very small area needs to be removed, often no larger than a floor tile.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Fort Worth has state-of-the-art leak detection equipment for pinpointing water or sewer line slab leaks in your homes plumbing in Fort Worth without destruction. Our experienced and professional plumbers will locate the leak and provide the expert sewer or water line repair in Fort Worth that is required. Our work is always 100% satisfaction guaranteed.