Does your home’s heating system need an expansion tank? If you regularly use hot water, then the simple answer to this is ‘yes’. An expansion tank is built to deal with the water’s thermal expansion as it warms up in the heater. It ensures that the high water pressure does not reach dangerous levels.
Plumbing fixtures, supply pipes joints and even the heater can get damaged if there is increased water pressure. For this reason, getting an expansion tank installed on your premises by a plumber in Arlington, TX is a sensible thing to do.
Understanding Expansion Tanks
Pressure increases caused by your water’s thermal expansion is what an expansion tank helps prevent. You water expands by almost 2 percent as it is heated from fifty degrees to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Extremely rapid increases in pressure in your plumbing system will be caused by thermal expansion if yours is a closed system i.e. there’s nothing preventing the water from flowing back into the water main. To know what type of system you have, get help from a service that performs plumbing in Arlington, TX.
What are Expansion Tanks?
Expansion tanks are relatively small water vessels used in chilled water HVAC system or closed loop heating to limit the pressure within the system caused by the water’s thermal expansion as it is heated up. During the cooling or heating process, the system fluid’s expansion will be accommodated by an appropriately sized tank and it will stop the system from surpassing critical pressure limits. In short, the extra volume required in the system during the cooling or heating process is provided by the expansion tank. Interested in having an expansion tank installed at your space? If yes, then you can fulfill your wish by calling in plumbers in Arlington, TX.
By accepting and barring the changing water volume as it cools and heats, the expansion tank maintains system pressures by using compressed air. To isolate the water that has expanded from the pressure controlling the air bolster, a bladder or diaphragm is incorporated by some tank designs. To stop corrosion of the tank and potential water logging, water is contained in the bladder as it expands. Charged in advance at the factory, the pressure regulating air bolster can be adjusted to fulfill critical system requirements.
Components of an Expansion Tank
A diaphragm bladder made of rubber which stretches to expand the tank’s volume is present inside a modern expansion tank. Additionally, as hot water enters the system during the heating cycle, this component expands the system’s volume as well. Water exits the expansion tank as the system is cooling down and contraction of the bladder occurs to banish the space that is not required under the cooler temperatures.
As it the bladder contracts and expands, it is cushioned by the tank’s air and an air pressure level equal to the rest of the system is applied to the expansion tank’s internal ‘dry space’. Depending on the size and nature of the system they’re installed on by a plumber in Arlington, TX, modern expansion tanks vary in size. However, compared to a standard water, they are much smaller. Typically, these tanks are found near the cold-water piping connected to the boiler or water heater. However, a service that performs plumbing in Arlington, TX will know the best place for it on your premises.
What Makes an Expansion Tank Necessary?
A question people often ask is whether having an expansion tank installed is necessary. The simple answer to this is ‘yes, it is necessary.’ The pressure of water in a closed hot water plumbing system will increase rapidly if the water does not have any space for expansion. Ultimately, this will cause damage to critical components such as your water heater’s metal outer jacket or glass lining as well your system’s key valves.
You can prevent leaks caused by increased water pressures and premature parts failures in your system by having an appropriately functioning expansion tank installed by plumbers in Arlington, TX. In addition to the above, you will be able to avoid storage tank or hot water heater failures caused by leakage.
Jettisoning sizeable hot water onto the floor of your mechanical room, your system’s emergency relief valves will activate under increased pressure if you do not have an expansion tank. You can compare this to a pot of boiling water with a tightly closed lid.
In addition to the above, expansion tanks are necessary because they help lower or eliminate banging or water hammer sounds in your plumbing system. This often occurs in water valves in appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers open and close without notice. You can get more information on this by getting in touch with a plumber in Arlington, TX.
Getting the Tank Checked and Maintained Annually
Don’t think your job is done after you’ve got an expansion tank installed by a service that performs plumbing in Arlington, TX. You also need to ensure regular inspection and maintenance of the tank. It is important to have your expansion tank checked and maintained by a plumber in Arlington, TX at least once a year. An experienced professional will always check the expansion tank’s integrity when you call them in for annual check of your water heater and/or boiler. Also, if your system does not have an expansion tank at all, then the professional will discuss the possibility of adding one to your system and the options you have.
As seen above, expansion tanks are useful additions to your water heating or plumbing system. You can get an expansion tank installed at your premises by getting in touch with Benjamin Franklin in Arlington, TX today.