Garbage disposals grind up food waste, and carrying it down the drain into the sewage pipe. However, the appliance does require an observation of how it is used, and simple maintenance to prevent potential damage, and clogged drains. For problems with a garbage disposal, or garbage disposal installation, contact a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth.

If you’re having a problem with the disposal consistently jamming, you may be using it incorrectly. Observing the following tips can prevent the need for garbage disposal repair, and may assist you in correcting problems on your own before you call a plumber in Fort Worth:

  1. Not all food waste can be disposed of in the appliance without risking damage to it. Foods and starchy foods can cause it to jam, and can potentially damage it. In addition, these foods can cause a clogged drain requiring a call to a plumber in Fort Worth for drain cleaning.

Other foods that should never be placed in the disposal include grease, fat & oil, pasta & rice, celery, artichokes, potato skins, egg shells, onion skins, corn husks, greens, banana peels and others.

  1. Your garbage disposal is manufactured to grind garbage, but only for specific food waste. Food wrappers, meat trays, paper, bone, fruit pits, metal, plastic, twist ties, and rubber bands are examples of items that you should place in the trash, and not the disposal to prevent damage to the appliance.
  2. Large amounts of food of any size should never be placed in the disposal. Cut food into small pieces and feed into the disposal one piece at a time with the cold-water running to prevent a jam or other damage. If you have a significant amount of food, place it in the trash.
  3. Run cold water only when operating the disposal to grind food, always turning the water on before the appliance. Allow the water to continue running for at least 20 seconds after you finish. Cold water flushes the food out of the drain to prevent a drain clog, and prevents overheating of the appliance. An overheated disposal is a common cause of damage and the need for repair by a plumber in Fort Worth.
  4. Clean the disposal by placing dishwashing liquid into it while running cold water. Retail cleaners are also available. Refer to the owner’s manual for the recommended products.

In addition, when odor becomes a problem, clean the disposal and place cut up orange or lemon peels and process through the disposal while running cold water to clean and provide a fresh scent. Consider also, the odor may be due to a drain in need of professional cleaning by a plumber in Fort Worth.

In addition, once per month fill the sink with hot water, and grease cutting dish liquid. Remove the stopper, and turn the disposal on. While the water drains, the soapy solution will clean the blades. Turn off the disposal before all the water is gone to avoid damaging the appliance. Do not operate the appliance without running water or overheating and damage will occur.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing plumbers in Fort Worth provide reliable solutions, and professional expertise to the highest industry standards. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is recognized nationwide for having plumbers with the expertise to provide quality plumbing repair, installation and maintenance. Our licensed plumbers offer the highest level of competence, honesty, integrity, and respect for you and your property with every service call. When you need garbage disposal service from a plumber in Fort Worth, give us a call. We serve Fort Worth, Arlington, and the surrounding areas, and are a member of the BBB with an A+ rating.