Homeowner’s remodel the kitchen for a number of reasons. First, it’s one of the two top remodel projects for increasing the value of your home. In addition, if you plan to sell your home in the near future a modern, an attractive kitchen increases its likelihood of selling. Finally, homeowner’s often provide a kitchen remodel to achieve the beautiful and functional kitchen of their dreams. If you require plumbing service to be relocated, replaced, repaired  or updated for your remodel, contact Benjamin Franklin plumbers in Fort Worth today.


Our plumbers in Fort Worth can relocate water lines and drains. In addition, we can provide gas line installation, and gas line repair in Fort Worth. Ben Franklin plumbers in Fort Worth can also provide garbage disposal installation, repair and replacement and many other plumbing services.

Kitchen Upgrades Require Expertise in Plumbing

When remodeling a kitchen, consider your plumbing needs. For example, there is no better time to replace worn water lines and aging drains and gas lines than during a complete remodel when the kitchen is stripped down to its bare bones. Upgrading these essential systems will involve less labor and cost at this point than afterwards.

Furthermore, you shouldn’t consider allowing anyone other than a licensed plumber for  installing, repairing, or relocating these essential systems in your kitchen. Benjamin Franklin plumbers in Fort Worth  ensures safe, quality services that meet or exceed the industry standards for reliability you can trust.

Replacing Worn Plumbing

If your home needs repiping, the optimal time is during a complete remodel. The benefits are multiplied when the cabinets are being removed, or water, drain and gas lines are being relocated anyway. Even when the remodel is only the kitchen, repiping it provides one less area to worry about.

Options for Improving Function

Additional options to consider during the remodel include water filtration, gas service for a range and oven, installing a dishwasher in the kitchen without one, a garbage disposal, and a tankless water heater. A tankless water heater can save your household up to 34% on the energy cost of producing endless hot water.  When you consider the water heater is the second largest energy consumer in your home, a tankless system pays you back on your investment. Furthermore, it isn’t uncommon for homeowner’s to request the relocation of a water heater located in the kitchen. Select a qualified, licensed plumber to ensure the proper performance and safety of your home’s plumbing in Fort Worth.

The Kitchen Island

A beautiful, functional kitchen often contains a kitchen island. An island with a sink or a gas cook-top requires the services of a licensed, professional plumber for the installation of a sink, drainpipe, faucets, and gas hookup. Our highly skilled plumbers in Fort Worth can provide the professional results you require.

Plan Ahead

While a kitchen remodel is typically the most desired remodel project, it will create inconvenience for your family. During the project you will be unable to cook, wash dishes, or have access to the refrigerator. If you have the space, relocate the refrigerator so you can use it. In addition, setting up a microwave, and a coffee pot will enable you to save money and have some meals at home without the need to eat out during the duration of the remodel.

In addition, consider the safety of children and pets. Your pets will be highly distressed if they are shut up in a room all day while work is ongoing. Furthermore, small children are at risk for injury if allowed on the construction site. It’s best to make advance arrangements for a friend, or relative to child and pet sit when work crews are present, and close off the kitchen after they leave.

Finally, it is wise to involve your plumbers in Fort Worth before your kitchen remodel begins. A skilled plumber may identify problems beforehand, and can prepare advance plans to take care of them. This can potentially save time and money by preventing tear outs after new installations have been provided. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing serves Fort Worth, Arlington and the surrounding areas, and is a member of the BBB with an A+ rating.