Expansion tanks are an important part of your home plumbing system. They help regulate water pressure and prevent damage from the expansion and contraction of hot water. Over time, however, these tanks can start to wear out, leading to problems with your plumbing system. So how do you know when it’s time to repair or replace your expansion tank? Let’s look at some signs that will help you make the right decision.

Signs Your Expansion Tank Is Faulty

Unusual Noises

Expansion tanks are typically very quiet, so if you hear strange noises from your tank, it’s a sign that something air bubbles could cause the noise bubbles in the tank or a sign of more serious damage. Rumbling or knocking sounds might indicate pressure or physical damage, while hissing could mean that air needs replenishment.

It’s always best practice to stay on top of these noises by consulting a professional plumber to diagnose the issue and come up with viable solutions properly. Therefore, when you hear strange noises from your expansion tank, immediately call a plumber in Dalworthington, TX. They will inspect and repair or replace your expansion tank as needed.

Leaks Near the Tank

Another warning sign that something may be wrong with your expansion tank is if you notice any leaks near where it is located. Leaks can happen due to excessive pressure buildup in the tank or a crack in its surface. It can also signify an old or corroded tank that needs to be replaced. You must call a plumber immediately if you notice any water leaking from your expansion tank. They will evaluate the issue and ensure it is properly repaired or replaced before further damage occurs.

Water Pressure Issues

One way to tell if your expansion tank isn’t working correctly is if you experience sudden changes in water pressure throughout your home. One of the responsibilities of an expansion tank is to regulate water pressure so that it remains consistent throughout the home. So if you notice fluctuations in the water pressure when running appliances or using hot and cold taps, it could signify that your expansion tank needs to be serviced or replaced. It’s important to contact an experienced plumber right away so they can inspect the issue and provide the best solution.

Low Hot Water Output/No Hot Water at All

One sure sign that something is off with the expansion tank in your hot water system is the amount (or lack thereof) of hot water being produced. If you’re seeing a significantly lower-than-usual output or no hot water at all, then chances are good that it’s time to check the tank. Expansion tanks help maintain proper pressure in your system, so if there is an issue, it can cause several problems like low temperatures, pressure changes, and forming pockets of air. Quickly resolving these issues via a simple inspection by a plumber in Dalworthington, TX can ensure your hot water runs smoothly for years to come.

Excessive Buildup of Pressure Inside the Tank

An excessive pressure buildup inside the tank is a tell-tale sign that something might be wrong with an expansion tank. If you notice that your pressure gauges often read above normal or have frequent dramatic fluctuations, this could indicate a problem with your expansion tank. If left unchecked, this excess pressure buildup can cause numerous problems, such as warping components, rupturing containment vessels, or blocking normal operations altogether. Therefore, call a plumber immediately if you think the pressure in your expansion tank is too high.

Signs You Should Repair Your Expansion Tank

When you call a plumber, they will inspect the tank and determine whether it needs to be repaired or replaced. Generally, if the tank is still in good condition but requires minor repairs, a plumber may recommend repairing the expansion tank instead of replacing it. Here are some signs that suggest you should repair your expansion tank:

No Leaks

If there are no signs of leaking, repairing your existing tank is likely a good option. The issue may not be too serious and can be fixed with minor repairs. However, this is a decision that a professional should make after inspecting the tank. Sometimes, a repair may be more expensive than replacing the tank, so it’s best to get an estimate from your plumber before deciding which option is best for you.

No Signs of Corrosion

A repair may be possible if the tank looks in good condition and shows no corrosion. Corrosion can cause serious damage to the expansion tank and lead to more costly repairs down the road. This is why it’s always best to take preventative measures. Hire a plumber in Dalworthington, TX to routinely inspect it even if there are no signs of damage.

No Major Damage

If the expansion tank has no major signs of damage, like cracks or breaks, a repair may be possible. This is especially true if you have called a plumber because of the impact of an earthquake or similar force. However, you must leave the decision to the discretion of a professional plumber. Sometimes, the damage may not be visible and require more extensive repairs.

No Corrosion

Another sign that your expansion tank may be repairable is if it has no signs of corrosion. Corrosion can weaken the tank’s integrity and lead to more costly repairs. So, if your plumber finds no signs of corrosion when they inspect your tank, they may suggest a repair instead of a replacement.

Clear Water Lines

Sediments and debris can accumulate in your expansion tank over time and disrupt the system’s performance. This can be a sign that it needs to be repaired or replaced. However, a repair may be viable if the water lines are clear and there is no excessive sediment or other materials buildup.

Low Pressure

Low pressure in your home’s water lines could indicate that your expansion tank needs repairs rather than a complete replacement. Low pressure isn’t necessarily an indication of worn-out components. It could also mean that something is blocking the flow of water through the pipe leading into the expansion tank, which can be easily fixed with simple repairs or adjustments.

Signs You Should Replace Your Expansion Tank

While repairs may resolve some issues with malfunctioning expansion tanks, certain signs suggest you should replace your tank entirely. Here are some of the signs that indicate it’s time to replace your expansion tank:


When it comes to replacing your expansion tank, age can play a significant role. Many manufacturers recommend that homeowners replace their tanks every five years, although this may vary depending on the tank’s condition and any potential corrosion issues. This is because, over time, the interior components of an expansion tank may deteriorate due to oxidation caused by minerals in the water or sediment from airborne contaminants. If you’re unsure how old your expansion tank is and when you should replace it, consult with a local professional plumber in Dalworthington, TX, maybe in order.

Extensive Corrosion

If you notice extensive corrosion in your expansion tank, it might be time to replace it. Not only does this corrosion compromise the structural integrity of the tank, but also the proper function of the entire system. The purpose of an expansion tank is to create space in a closed-looped water system that absorbs pressure within and relieves an outdoor pressure regulator. Therefore, corrosion can diminish its effectiveness and increase the risk of damage to other components. You may also consider replacing your expansion tank if there are signs of rust, visible cracks, or fractures. Replacing the expansion tank under these conditions can save you from expensive repairs in the long run.

Brittle Connections

Another sign that your expansion tank may need to be replaced is brittle connections. If you notice a weakened condition of any of the fittings connecting the flexible and rigid pipes, it’s a strong sign that it’s time to seriously consider replacing your existing expansion tank. Since this part of your plumbing system plays an important role in preventing damage to other components due to a buildup of pressure, attending to any potential weak spots is crucial. A safety inspection of all the linked parts is recommended whenever you discern an unusually brittle feel when touching them. While brittleness alone may not be an indication of major problems, it is a sign that should not be ignored.

Excessive Leaking

If it’s been a few years since you had your home’s expansion tank replaced, then you might be at risk for excessive leaking. Leaks from your expansion tank are one of the most surefire signs that it’s time to get a new one. Not only can a leaking expansion tank decrease the efficiency of your plumbing system, but it may also increase water costs and damage other components in the long run. For this reason, it’s important to replace any faulty or outdated expansion tanks as soon as possible.

Bent Valves

Bent valves are one of the warning signs that it may be time for a replacement. These valves act as internal supports, ensuring water pressure remains constant in the system. When bent or weakened, they can lead to pressure imbalances and other issues in the system. They may also cause pressure to build up and create additional strain on the expansion tank. Therefore, you may need to replace your expansion tank if the internal valves are bent or weak.

Overall Structural Wear

Over time, weather shifts, rust, and other factors can cause serious damage to the structure of your expansion tank. When this occurs, it can mean that you will require a replacement sooner rather than later. As soon as overall structural wear occurs, you should consider replacing the tank before it leaks water or shows further signs of corrosion or deterioration. An inspection by an experienced professional plumber in Dalworthington, TX will be able to help determine whether or not now is the best time for a replacement before your tank becomes a hazard in your home.

Sediment Buildup

If you notice heavy sediment buildup in your expansion tank, it might be time to replace it. While sediment buildup isn’t an imminent threat to your home, it does indicate a weakened condition of your tank. Replacing the sediment-filled tank with a new one can help improve the efficiency of your system and prevent further damage from occurring. It will also save you money on repairs or maintenance.

Repeated Repairs

It is typically a sign that it’s time to replace your expansion tank when you call a plumber repeatedly to repair the same problem. This often indicates that the damage is too extensive to handle with a repair effectively. Replacing an expansion tank with a newer model can help you avoid these expensive problems altogether, enabling you to maintain the smooth performance of your entire system.

Reach Out to an Experienced Professional

A properly functioning expansion tank is essential to maintaining optimal pressure levels and hot water output in your home plumbing system. It’s important to know when you need repairs or replacements to address any potential issues quickly and efficiently before they become major problems! With this understanding, you can trust that your plumbing system will always work at its best– keeping your home safe and efficient! When in doubt, reach out to an experienced professional plumber in Dalworthington, TX who can assist you in getting the right repairs or replacements for your expansion tank.

We Are the Plumbing Professionals to Call

If you need repair or replacement for your expansion tank in Dalworthington, TX, the Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth team of plumbers is here to help. With years of experience in all aspects of plumbing, our plumbers can handle any job, big or small. We take pride in offering top-notch service and customer care, so contact us today for more information about how we can help you get the most out of your expansion tank.

Photo By fizkes at Shutterstock