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Depending on where you live, municipal water can contain a wide variety of contaminants and even minerals. If the water supply has quite a lot of minerals, it is known as hard water. You can usually tell the difference when you shower. Hard water will leave a type of residue. Soft water is gentler and more soothing on your skin.
Some people even claim that they can tell the difference from how hard the water hits the surface of the bathtub. The easiest way to determine whether there are any minerals in your water supply is to get a water test or to speak with a plumbing company in Arlington, TX. A quick water test can easily tell you what types of contaminants and minerals are in your water.
The best way to get rid of the minerals is to install some type of filtration system. Most water filtration systems in Arlington, TX will be able to get rid of dirt, dust, sediment, bacteria and minerals, so you’ll have higher quality water in general. With that said, in this article, we will explore how water filtration systems get rid of minerals in your water supply. We will also look at whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. If you are unsure even after reading this article, contact a representative from Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth. We’d be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
Test the Water Supply with an At-Home Kit
Although you will get the most accurate results when you get a professional water test done by a plumber, you can also get a rough idea by purchasing an inexpensive test strip online. Some test strips can compare and have the mineral content of your water. You can also use these test strips to determine how effective your water filtration system may be.
These test strips tend to be fairly easy to use. All you have to do is add a strip into a cup of water. Depending on the type of test strip that you have purchased, you’ll need to allow the test strip to sit inside the water for a certain period of time. Afterwards, the test strip will change colors to show you what type of minerals are found inside. Some of these test strips can also provide you with some information on the concentration of minerals present. While these test strips may give you a rough idea, you should also get a professional water test to confirm the results.
What Minerals Do Water Filtration Systems Remove?
When installing a water filtration system, you really need to consider what the filtration system is capable of removing. This will vary depending on the type of system that you have installed. While most water filtration systems will be able to easily remove heavy metals, some may be less effective in removing other minerals.
Heavy metals that are found in natural water can include lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury, zinc, and arsenic. Fortunately, these metals are present in very low concentrations, so even if they are present, they won’t be dangerous for your body.
Other than heavy metals, many water filtration systems will also remove healthy minerals from the water. This usually includes calcium and magnesium. Both are important for healthy development.
Other Things Removed by Water Filtration Systems
Even if you’re only concerned about the minerals, you should try to kill two birds with one stone by finding a water filtration system that is able to get rid of other things. The water filtration system should be able to also filter out does, sediment, dirt and bacterial contaminants to ensure that you have a healthy water supply.
Benefits of Removing Minerals
Many homeowners want to know whether they should install a water filtration system that is capable of removing minerals in the water. The answer to this is that it depends. It depends on the type of minerals that are in your water supply, the concentration present and whether the minerals are affecting your life or not. With that said, removing minerals from your water can come with the following benefits:
- Less stress on the plumbing and plumbing appliances. One of the main reasons why many homeowners are interested in installing a water filtration system is because the filtration system can ease the amount of stress that the plumbing endures. Hard water is actually very taxing on your plumbing system and your plumbing appliances. The minerals will accumulate on the size of the plumbing or it can even interfere with some of the moving components in parts. Due to this reason, those who live in areas with hard water will need more plumbing repairs and maintenance in general. In short, the hard water is actually costing you money. By installing a water filtration system, you will be able to reduce the amount of repairs that will be needed in the future.
- Better tasting water. This will vary from person to person. Some people claim that hard water tastes a bit weird. They claim that they get a lingering aftertaste. By installing a water filtration system that removes minerals, they find that the water simply tastes better. This is especially true for drinking water although some people claim that it also makes soup taste better.
- Gentler on the skin and hair. Hard water tends to feel a bit more abrasive than soft water. When you shower, the hard water may irritate your skin. However, if you install a water filtration system, you might find that the water seems more soothing. The minerals in hard water can also cling to your hair making it feel rougher and more difficult to style.
Depending on the amount of minerals that are in your water supply, installing a filtration system may come with more advantages than disadvantages. In order to determine whether you need a water filtration system, you must first make a list of all of the disadvantages that are involved with not having a filtration system in place. You then need to compare the disadvantages with the advantages. If the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, then contact a plumbing company as soon as possible about the various options that are available.
Types of Filtration Systems in Arlington, TX
If you want to install a water filter, you should consider the type of water filter that will be most beneficial for your home. There are so many different types for you to choose from. Some of the most common options include:
- Whole house systems. These filtration systems are usually installed where the water line enters the home. This is usually one of the best options for those who are concerned about hard water. The filter will be able to remove the minerals in order to “soften” the water, so it does not affect the plumbing at all.
- Under sink filters. These filters are usually a good option if you’re worried about drinking hard water. In many situations, some homeowners will be able to taste the hard water. By installing an under sink filter, they will be able to get rid of all of the minerals and other contaminants present in the water before it reaches their cup. Their water will taste better.
- Faucet attachments. These types of filters are able to offer instant access to filtered water. They’re usually installed in only one area, like the kitchen sink. These filters are really easy to install, and you’ll be able to turn the filter on and off in a sense. For example, you can pass the tap water through the filter if you plan on drinking it. However, you won’t need to pass the water through the filter if you’re using it to wash dishes. This way, you won’t have to spend as much money on replacing the filter.
There are many other types of filtration systems that are available. It can be really difficult to determine which type of filtration system is best suited for your home. Due to this reason, we recommend that you get an in-house consultation. Our plumbers in Arlington, TX will be able to take a look at your overall plumbing system, as well as factor in your concerns and needs, in order to determine what type of filtration system might be best suited for your home.
The best thing about this is that we can also walk you through the pros and cons of the various filtration systems. This way, you will know what to expect.
Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Filter
Other than the type of filter that would be best suited for your home, there are so many other factors that you need to consider. Some of these factors include:
- Price. Depending on the type of model and unit that you purchased, some filtration systems can be fairly pricey. You really need to consider your budget.
- Brand. Some brands are better than others and are able to offer better warranties. If you are unsure of which brands have the best reputation, speak with a plumbing company for more information.
- Size and capability. This also depends on your needs. Once again, it can be difficult to accurately gauge the filter size needed without any experience, which is why we recommend working with an experienced plumbing company.
The best thing to do is to ask the plumbing company about the various features and functionalities that different filtration systems can offer. You should also consider reading online reviews and speaking with friends and family to get firsthand accounts.
Re-adding Minerals Into the Water Supply
Although you shouldn’t be relying on your water supply to get all of the healthy minerals that you need, you might still want to re-add some of the healthy minerals into your water. This way, you won’t have to worry about whether you’re getting enough nutrients in your diet.
If you have a reverse osmosis water filter, you will usually notice that they already have something known as a remineralizer filter in the last stage of the filtration process. This filter is also known as an alkaline filter, and its goal is to re-introduce trace amounts of healthy minerals back into the water.
If you do not have a reverse osmosis water filter or if your filtration system does not already have a remineralizer filter, You can speak with the plumbing company in order to see whether they will be able to install one separately for you. In most situations, this should be fairly easy to do. You can also usually determine the type of minerals that you would like to re-introduced into the water supply.
Types of Minerals to Re-Add
In general, there are only two types of minerals that you will want to re-introduced to the water supply. They include calcium and magnesium. In order to re-introduced these minerals, the remineralizer filter will need to contain some type of calcium or magnesium. The two most common substances are calcite, which is calcium carbonate, and Corosex, which is a magnesium compound. Some filters use a combination of both substances.
Water passes through the remineralizer filter where magnesium and calcium dissolves back in. The amount of calcium and magnesium that re-enters the water supply can be adjusted.
Get a Consultation from Us
Are you not sure whether or not you would benefit from having a water filtration system installed? One of our plumbers can come to your home and take a look. We can test your water supply to see whether it’s hard water, and we can also take a look at the inside of your plumbing to see whether any minerals have accumulated on the inside of the pipes.
If you’re thinking of having a water filtration system installed for your home in Arlington, TX, give Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth a call at 817-983-7876. We are one of the most reliable plumbing companies in Arlington, TX and can provide you with more information on various water filtration systems that may be a good fit for your home.