Mobile Home Plumbing | Plumbers Arlington, TX

The plumbing in a manufactured home can have significant differences than a site built home. Through the 1980s and until the latter part of the 1990s Polybutylene pipe, was used along with substandard plastic fittings. The fittings proved to have a tendency to crack and break. A class-action suit resulted in Polybutylene no longer being manufactured. To avoid the potential of severe damage to the home, anytime this type of plumbing is discovered, it should be removed and the home completely re-plumbed by qualified plumbers in Arlington, TX.

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Due to the method of its manufacture, there are distinct differences in the plumbing system of a mobile home. Mobile home manufacturing isn’t subject to the same standards and regulations as site built homes. This accounts for some of the differences between mobile home plumbing and site built homes. These differences are why numerous plumbers’ will not provide services to mobile homes. You can count on Benjamin Franklin’s plumbers in Arlington, TX for plumbing services on your mobile home.

An additional difference is the typical lesser quality and cost of plumbing materials used in mobile homes. Manufacturers frequently use materials of lessor cost to maintain mobile home affordability, the source of the industry’s major appeal. This doesn’t necessarily mean all manufactured housing is of lower grade, as plumbing upgrades is an option consumer’s can special order. Furthermore, todays manufactured homes are typically plumbed with CPVC or PEX tubing providing a significant upgrade in mobile homes.

A notable difference in manufactured homes is the location of the pipes and how they enter the home. In mobile homes, pipes come directly up from the floor, rather than out of walls, as is the case in the majority of site built homes. There isn’t any difference in purpose or function, and poses a problem only when the homeowner selects fixtures such as pedestal sinks where pipes may be visible.

Clean-outs are another instance where mobile homes may differ from site built homes. A mobile home may lack any clean-outs, or if provided be less in number. Though not impossible, it can make the cleaning of sewer line blockages more difficult for plumbers in Arlington, TX.

The replacement of a hot water heater in a mobile home may provide challenges. Mobile home water heaters are typically installed within a closet or other enclosed area. This makes it a necessity to measure both the space, and its opening, to ensure the selected water heater will fit into the space provided. Your Benjamin Franklin plumbers in Arlington, TX can take care of hot water heater replacement for you.

A second factor to consider is the energy source. You may desire to change from a gas water heater to electric and be unable to do so. The electric panel in the home may not support an electrical water heater, leaving you with no other option but to replace it with a gas water heater. The type of gas supplied to the water heater must also be considered, as propane and natural gas are not interchangeable.

In these situations, conversion will be dependent upon local and state codes, and the cost of doing so, if allowed, will increase the cost of the installation.

Benjamin Franklin’s licensed plumbers in Arlington, TX provide your best source for ensuring the installation of an approved water heater, the safe installation and observation of all local and state code.

Mobile homes with sub-standard piping installed will experience an increased number of leaks. This increases the home’s vulnerability to leaks and water damage. As previously noted mobile homes manufactured today utilize improved plumbing materials, it is the homeowner’s of older mobile homes who should be alert to substandard Polybutylene. If you are unsure of your mobile homes piping material, and are considering a re-plumb of your pipes, Benjamin Franklin’s experienced plumbers in Arlington, TX will assess the plumbing in your home and its condition.

Prospective buyers of new mobile homes would be at an advantage to special order upgrades in construction materials, plywood over OSB for example. Manufacturers treat “wet areas” for added resistance to water, and while OSB is a strong material, it is less durable when exposed to water, though no wood product is impervious to water for very long. This is true for any type of housing.

For reliable plumbing services, trust Benjamin Franklin Plumbing. Our plumbers in Arlington, TX are known for their expertise and commitment to quality service and satisfied customers. We provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all plumbing repair. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is a member of the BBB with an A+ rating. Our dedicated plumbers serve Arlington, Fort Worth and the surrounding areas providing superior plumbing services for residential and commercial plumbing and includes mobile home plumbing services.