Mobile Home Plumbing | Plumber in Fort Worth

Mobile home plumbing can be very different from a site built home. In fact, few plumbers will work on a mobile home due to these differences. There are a number of reasons why, and each plumber has his or her own reasons. Our plumbers are knowledgeable of mobile home plumbing, and when you call a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth, you are assured of receiving quality plumbing services with quality materials. If you need mobile home plumbing repair, give us a call, we will be glad to assist you.

Mobile Home Plumbing | Plumber in Fort Worth

Mobile homes are not built to the same regulations and standards as a site built home, they are manufactured to be affordable, and as a result, a number manufacturers use lower end quality materials to save on costs. For these homes, leaks are potentially disastrous. 

For example, a number of mobile homes are built with flooring comprised of 1/2 OSB or MDF. These products simply will not hold up to water, once wet it requires replacement. 

An additional example of a mobile home’s increased vulnerability can be found in the structure of inner, non-load bearing walls, which are not required to utilize 2 x 4 lumber, as a site built home is. Most often 1 x 4 lumber is used, lacking the resistance to water that a 2 x 4 provides. Current federal law requires the outer walls of mobile homes to be entirely of at least 2” x 4” construction. 

However, there are mobile home manufacturers who build to higher standards, utilizing 3/4 plywood flooring, for example. Additional options include standard size plumbing, fixtures such as tubs and showers. In addition, other up-grades are available from some manufacturers for a long lasting home. 

Unfortunately, mobile home owners are vulnerable to untrained repair persons. This is not necessary for our clients in the Fort Worth/Arlington region and the surrounding areas. Our plumbers are experienced with mobile home plumbing repair, and offer the same quality services for your mobile home as we do any other home. 

Mobile home kitchens and bathrooms are treated to provide increased resistance to water in “wet” areas. The results from the treatment are limited. Leaks can result in sagging floors and rot very quickly. For this reason, plumbing leaks should be promptly repaired by a plumber in Fort Worth.

When special ordering a mobile home, it is worth the added cost to upgrade to ¾ inch plywood for floors and roof decking. Shutting off the water when leaks occur will help to protect the structural integrity of your home. Once the water is off, excess water is removed, and windows and fans are set to dry the soaked area, call a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth to schedule leak repair.

Water lines typically come up through the floor in mobile homes, rather than through the walls, an additional factor that separates mobile homes from site built homes. This has no effect on the function and is an issue aesthetically with fixtures such as a pedestal sink. 

In addition, many mobile homes lack drain clean-outs. This is a factor a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth can provide a solution. Site built homes typically have two to three clean-outs, while most mobile homes lack any clean-outs at all. There are exceptions, with mobile homes whose plumbing will include clean-outs, typically under the kitchen sink and in the main drain line. However, the lack of clean outs will not prevent an experienced and knowledgeable Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth from providing drain cleaning. Our plumbers will provide the plumbing service you need for your home. 

The water main connection is typically located under the edge of the mobile home. How the pipes run and the type of plumbing vents typically differ from site built homes. Furthermore, unless special ordered, showers and tubs are typically undersized. 

Up until the 1990’s, a number of mobile homes were piped with polybutylene piping. A class action lawsuit for its high rate of devastating leaks and costly damage resulted in polybutylene no longer being manufactured. Today’s new mobile homes are primarily plumbed with PVC, CPVC, or PEX pipe; both are quality materials and a vast improvement over polybutylene. If your mobile home contains polybutylene, consider repiping before trouble strikes, if it has not already. A Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth will provide your home with professional repiping that will prevent further damage and costly repairs due to worn or faulty plumbing.

Modern mobile home engineering improves constantly, but it will pay potential buyers to do their homework and select a quality built mobile home with standard housing features in plumbing.

Mobile homes can provide unique challenges for plumbing installation and repair. While mobile homes may occasionally provide unique challenges for plumbing installation and repair, a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth, will provide professional service for your mobile homes plumbing needs. Furthermore, you can be confident that you will receive a plumber in Fort Worth with the experience to provide mobile home plumbing, and gas line services with the same expertise and care utilized on all of our plumbing jobs. 

Homeowners can count on a Benjamin Franklin Plumbing licensed plumber in Fort Worth to deliver the highest level of service for all of your plumbing needs. Your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed. We serve Fort Worth, Arlington, and the surrounding areas. We are a member of the BBB with an A+ rating. Give us a call today for your mobile home plumbing repairs and installations.