Are you tired of having ice-like cold water flowing down your back when you shower? Do you wish that the water was a more “normal temperature”? Maybe you need a water heater. There are two main types: tankless and traditional. Both traditional and tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX have their own set of drawbacks as well as benefits.

Now for that all important question: “Which one should you choose?”

To be honest, it all depends on your personal preferences. In the end, the decision rests in your hands and in your pocket (budget). There is an opportunity cost for choosing either traditional or tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX. Luckily, we will give you some benefits and drawbacks of each type to paint a clearer picture. But first, let’s take a closer look at each.

Traditional versus Tankless: A Description

A traditional water heater looks like a huge cylindrical tank that requires a lot of space for storing the water. To give you a fair idea, a typical traditional water tank holds about 30-50 Gallons of water. The water is preheated, and transferred through the outgoing pipes to showers and other faucets in the bathroom or kitchen.

After the water is used up from the tank, it has to be refilled and re-heated in order to use the heated water once more.

Tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX, on the other hand, use a source of heat, usually gas or electricity, to warm up cool water to a suitable degree (which you choose) whenever you want. That is one of the reasons “on-demand” water heater is another name for the tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX.

Cool water goes through the inlet, makes its way through the heater and hot water comes out of the outlet. Inside, the tankless water heaters have a burner operated by gas or an electric coil (called the element) that heats the water. There is no need to store the water in a large tank.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Traditional Water Heaters


  1. Cheaper Initial costs: The traditional water heater does not cost too much to buy and have installed provided you have the space. Estimates say that the initial cost is half that of tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX.
  2. Easy Installation: Traditional water heaters are easier to install and since they are cheap, the replacement is cheaper.


  1. Paying more for utilities: Your utility bills will be higher than if you had installed tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX. This is because these water heaters have to reheat water once it is used, without any regard to how much water you actually use.
  2. Hot water is unavailable right now: If you shower last in the house, you may get hypothermia. Not really, but that’s what it feels like when you run out of hot water from the tank.
  3. Where to install: If you don’t have a large enough area where you can install a traditional water heater, you’re in for some complications.
  4. 10-15 at max: The traditional water heater gives you 10-15 years of effective life if used and maintained properly. This is way less than what tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX usually give you.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Tankless Water Heaters


  1. No worries about placement: A tankless water heater is smaller and doesn’t need a tank. You can place one in your kitchen or bathroom or on your outside wall.
  2. Greater life: Tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX last for around more than 20 years with proper usage and maintenance.
  3. Long-term Savings: In comparison to traditional water heaters, tankless water heaters have a higher energy efficiency according to this source.
  4. Hot water when you need it: Not only do you get 2 or more gallons of hot water when you need it, you also save on utility bills (to support the third benefit)


  1. More expensive at the start: Any tankless water heater may cost you in the neighborhood of a couple thousand dollars, even more. That deters many people from buying one.
  2. Installation costs extra: Adding to the initial cost, installation may cost more, especially if you make the switch from traditional to tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX.

Your options when it comes to tankless water heaters

There are many options that you have when it comes to tankless water heaters in Crowley, TX. You have gas pilot light, point-of-use, electronic ignition and more. If you want savings and are willing to bear the high initial costs, then tankless water heaters are for you. They have a lot of advantages over your traditional water heaters.

As we said initially, it’s up to your family’s preference and your budget to select the best tankless water heater for the job.

Factors that should affect your decision

1.    Placement

Gas source tankless water heaters need adequate ventilation to function properly. The roof or side of the wall may provide this, but it depends on the model that you buy. If you have found a spot for installation of the heater make sure there room to vent. If installing one outside, be sure to know how to maintain it in the hot or cold.

2.    Tankless Heater Source

If you don’t have a direct gas supply for your house, you pretty much have to go for an electric source tankless water heater. However, a larger house with a gas line and a higher number of inhabitants may mean that a gas source tankless heater may be a better choice for more savings. If you need just one heater for a single bathroom, an electric one is the better alternative.

3.    Rate of Flowing water

Gas source tankless water heaters have a higher flow rate compared to electric ones. Gas source tankless water heaters give roughly 5 gallons per minute compared with only 2-3 gallons per minute for the electric source water heaters.

If your family wants extra hot water and your water heater can’t keep up and gives luke warm water, then the investment in the tankless water heaters is of no use.

Still unsure which one is right? Get the tankless water heater that is the most suitable for your home. Visit Benjamin Franklin for further information. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is a member of the BBB with an A+ rating.