Plumbing Inspection | Plumber Fort Worth

Almost anyone who owns a home knows that sooner or later maintenance and repairs are required. One of the best ways to keep the costs down is to provide prevention. Some homeowners prefer DIY repairs, others will only consider a licensed plumber in Fort Worth. The homeowner can provide a plumbing inspection without calling in a plumber. In the following, we will discuss what the homeowner needs to be aware of in providing a plumbing inspection.

plumbing inspection fort worth

Plumbing systems, like any other, will eventually wear out. Preventative plumbing will help to keep plumbing problems from occurring. Prevention will, ultimately save you money and inconvenience. Even if you’re not comfortable with repairs, you can visually inspect much of your plumbing. If you detect a problem, you then have the option of calling a plumber in Fort Worth.

Plumbing is present in a large portion of your home. The kitchen, laundry room, bathrooms, outside faucets, the sprinkler system, and in some cases outside areas such as outdoor kitchens, pools and hot tubs. There is also a water main that runs from your home to the municipal water meter, or to a private well. The water main is the means by which your home receives a water supply. Wet spots or standing water on the lawn may indicate a leaking water main, and will require the services of a plumber in Fort Worth.

This guide will assist you in providing a visual check of your plumbing. For those who are unable to do so, due to age or disability a Benjamin Franklin Plumbing plumber in Fort Worthwill be glad to provide a plumbing inspection for you.

Visual Inspection

It’s easy to overlook plumbing when there isn’t a problem. The extensive damage that can occur due to a plumbing leak can occur without any warning. However, the most common plumbing issues often give some warning. A slow drain, a leaking faucet or running toilet. Being aware of your plumbing can be as simple as taking a moment to glance at faucets and see if they are dripping. We have no difficulty in noting a slow drain, but so often it is not dealt with until it won’t drain at all, or has burst a drainage pipe. Being vigilant of abnormalities within the plumbing is the first step, and repairing the problem, or calling a plumber in Fort Worth is the second part of a homeowner’s job.

A Homeowner’s Plumbing Inspection

  • Check exposed pipes and drains for any signs of leakage. This includes the small water supply lines going to toilets and sinks.
  • Don’t forget to check washing machine hoses for leaks. If they feel soft, or you see cracking, replace them.
  • The pipes in some homes are located within walls, in the foundation, or under a slab floor. For pipes in these locations check for water leakage or signs of watermarks coming from under the floor, through the wall or the ceiling. In slab houses, wet carpet, cracking tile or dark marks appearing in linoleum may indicate a slab leak is present. This type of repair isn’t a DIY project, and will require the services of a plumber in Fort Worth.
  • Check the water heater’s inlet and outlet water lines for leaks, as well as the pop off valve. If water is present in the floor you probably have a water heater leak. Very lightly touch the pop off valve (it can be hot if leaking). If it is hot, your water heater will require repair by a plumber in Fort Worth. The pop-off valve is activated to release excessive pressure within a tank water heater, indicating there is a problem. Visually inspect the tank for signs of rust, if you see any, a leak will be in the near future and the water heater will require replacement by a plumber in Fort Worth.
  • Look for signs of corrosion. Copper and brass pipes and valves will turn green when corrosion occurs. With steel pipes, the color will be rusty orange or yellow stains. Corrosion may also appear as a white build up.
  • Look in your toilet tank routinely. Check for any broken or rusted parts. If present, these should be replaced. Check the bottom of the toilet tanks for black bits of plastic and rubber. This can indicate the need for replacements of flaps or other parts made of this material. Never place bleach tablets in your tank, it will speed up corrosion and deteriorate plastic and rubber parts rapidly. Drop some red, blue or green food color into your tank and recheck in half an hour. If the color appears in the bowl, the tank is leaking into the bowl due to a failing flap.
  • Mildew near any plumbing is a sign that water is leaking.
  • Check caulking around tubs and showers. If it is cracked, loose or broken it will need to be removed and replaced to prevent damage to floors and walls.
    If visible, inspect the sewer pipe exit from your home to ensure no leakage is present.
    In addition to a visual inspection, further assessment is needed in the following:
  • If you are noticing a decrease in water pressure of your shower, toilet, kitchen or any other location, sediment may be clogging the water supply lines interior. If the problem is in a shower, remove the shower head. Hard water can lead to blockage in a shower head or faucet aerator, preventing water from flowing freely. Remove and clean by soaking in vinegar or lemon juice after testing an inconspicuous area to ensure it will not damage the finish.
  • Sinks, tubs, dishwasher and showers that drain slowly can indicate a developing clog. Drain noise or gurgling when water is going down the pipe may indicate a drain problem that needs attention. While a plunger may free up a small clog, typically a clogged drain will require the services of a plumber in Fort Worth

Toilets that are not going down properly when flushed, or when water isn’t entering the tank as it should indicates a problem. A swirling toilet taking an excessive time to flush indicates inlets within the towel bowl that are clogged due to mineral build-up. Clearing the ports will require removal of lime build-up. If you are unable to clear the ports a plumber in Fort Worth can provide this service.

  • Toilets should be solidly attached to the floor without wobbling. A loose toilet is dangerous. It may indicate the bolts need tightening, or that a leak has damaged the floor loosening the toilet. Provide repair right away to avoid potential injury.
  • Drain the water heater routinely to flush sediment and prevent damage to the water heater. Once a water heater is thoroughly flushed, you need only remove 2-3 quarts every 3 to 6 months to prevent sediment buildup. If your water heater requires repair or replacement Benjamin Franklin will be glad to provide you with the professional services of a plumber in Fort Worth.
  • Check the bathroom walls, and floors by pushing on them in the areas around the sink and tub to detect any soft areas that may have been damaged by a leak, or water spillage.

If you are not comfortable with providing a plumbing inspection, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing’s licensed and experienced plumbers will be glad to provide the service for you. An annual or bi-annual inspection is a good time to couple it up with a drain cleaning if necessary. Give us a call today for prompt and efficient service by a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth, always backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.