Plumbing in Arlington, TX – No hot water is one of the leading reasons for hot water heater repair in Arlington, TX. There are many reasons to why you may not have hot water. Multiple components can wear out or break down on your hot water heater, resulting in hot water not being distributed through the faucets and showers. If you are having problems and need hot water heater repair then give Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Arlington, TX a call and we will happily assist you in resolving the problem.
Electric Hot Water Heaters
Below we will go over a few reasons why an electric hot water heater may be having problems with dispersing or making hot water. We do not recommend working on electric water heaters yourself. If you are not qualified with working with electricity, it can be a very dangerous; even deadly. If you think you have an issue and need water heater repair then give us a call.
Grounded Element – A heating element that has been ground out will fail to produce hot water.
Grounded Thermostat – A thermostat failure may be the culprit. If the thermostat has shorted out it will need to be replaced.
Accidental Grounding – If there are any objects that should not be located on the water heater that has shorted across the wiring connections then this may be the problem.
Tripped Reset Button – If the reset button trips continuously then this is a sign of a failed reset button and it will need to be replaced.
Wire Short – Frayed, scratched, corroded wiring could lead to a direct short. Replacement of all the defective wiring should be done as soon as possible.
Water Leak – If the hot water heater is leaking water then the elements can oftentimes be tightened to resolve this. However, if tightening does not work then the hot water heater may need to be replaced.
Undersized Fuse or Breaker – Inspect the fuse and breaker for the hot water heater and make sure it is receiving the correct amount of amperage.
Weak Breaker – Like all things, circuit breakers will eventually fail and need to be replaced.
Gas Water Heaters
Gas powered hot water heaters will have a different set of problems when compared to their electric counterparts. Below is a list of a few reasons why a gas powered hot water heater may not be producing hot water. We do not recommend working on gas water heaters yourself and if you suspect you have a problem with yours and you need water heater repair then give Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Arlington, TX a call.
Inadequate Hot Water
In the event that the hot water heater is still functioning, but not producing hot water as intended or is intermittently producing hot water, you possibly may have components in the hot water heater that are on their last legs and will fail soon. If you are unsure of what to do then give us a call for hot water heater repair.
Check Thermostats – If the desired temperature is set correctly on the thermostat, then the thermostat itself may be having problems and will need to be removed and replaced.
Inspect Heating Elements – Debris can build up on the heating elements over time and this will prevent water from being able to be heated adequately. Heating elements themselves can also fail over due time. Fortunately this is a quick fix as heating elements can be installed in only a few minutes time
Examine Dip Tube – This is a very uncommon problem as dip tubes do not fail that often, but it is possible. If this is the case then it will need to be replaced.
Loose Wiring – Possibly loose wiring could be the issue which would explain the hot water heater capability at producing heated water intermittently. The unit will need to be turned off and the wiring should be cleaned of any corrosion and tightened. Working with electrical components can be very dangerous even deadly and you should consider hiring Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Arlington, TX for water heater repair if you are not sure of what you are doing.
Tank Leak – If the water heater is leaking water then not only can this lead to water damage but it can also possibly lead to a fire. You should contact Ben Franklin Plumbing in Arlington, TX for hot water heater repair to come assess the situation and get this handled right away
About Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Arlington, Texas
Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Arlington, TX has professional plumbing in Arlington, TX servicing Fort Worth and surrounding areas. Our experienced, courteous and friendly plumbers provide on time plumbing related services to not only Arlington but surrounding areas also. If you are in need of a professional plumber that you can count on for plumbing repairs, maintenance and / or installation then you can count on us at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Arlington, Texas.
Ben Franklin Plumbing is a leader in the field for plumbing related repairs. We are also one of the most trusted plumbing service brands in the industry with high standards of service that you can rely on. When you contact us you can rest assured knowing that you are receiving the best plumbing in Arlington, TX. Our commitment to service and excellence is reflected in our stone solid A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. If you have a plumbing related problem in your home or business and you need help, do not hesitate to contact us today. Our professional, courteous and friendly plumbing in Arlington, TX will be more than happy to assist you and answer any of your questions and schedule an appointment with you to assess the plumbing related problem and resolve it at your earliest convenience. Give Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Arlington, Texas a call today if you are looking for professional plumbing in Arlington, TX. If there’s any delay, it’s you we pay®