Plumbing Service | Granbury, TX
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When you get in the shower or turn on the sink to wash the dishes you expect hot water to come out within a few seconds. If you have to wait for a long period of time, this is a sign that something may be wrong with your plumbing and it is time to call a plumbing service in Granbury, TX. Instead of writing it off as an old home or an old water heater, you may want to see what the plumber has to say. Believe it or not there are many reasons why your hot water may be sluggish, and there are plenty of solutions as well.
Instead of putting up with the inconvenience of your water taking a long time to warm up, you should have a plumbing service in Granbury, TX out to look at it. Oftentimes when it takes a while for the hot water to warm up you also end up running out of hot water quickly. This is because by the time the water reaches the desired temperature the tank is already starting to empty. This is just as unpleasant as not having hot water in the first place.
In addition, sluggish hot water can be a sign that your hot water heater is on its way out and it is always better to be proactive about replacing or repairing your hot water heater with the help of a plumbing service. After all, you don’t want to wake up in the morning and find out that your home has no hot water before you step into the shower. Conversely, you don’t want to return from a hard day at work and find out that your hot water tank has burst and your basement is flooded. By hiring a plumber to investigate the lack of hot water in your home you can stay ahead of the situation and make your life a bit easier in the process.
Why Is Your Hot Water Taking Forever To Warm Up?
As mentioned, there are several reasons why your hot water may be taking a while to warm up in Granbury, TX. Each of the causes is very different from the last, so it’s important that you hire a professional plumbing service to investigate the matter. You don’t want to guess wrong and end up with a real plumbing situation on your hands. Chances are a plumbing service can isolate the cause pretty quickly and solve your water issue permanently if you allow a professional to look. Here are just a few of the reasons why your hot water might be taking forever to warm up.
Presence of a Low Volume Restrictor: Many people purchase low volume restrictors because they want to reduce the amount of water they consume on a regular basis. Other people who are environmentally friendly purchase them to help reduce the amount of water they use each day which in turn lowers their overall energy consumption. While this may seem like a good idea, and certainly can be useful in lowering energy consumption, a low volume restrictor can also slow down the delivery of water which in turn will lengthen the time it takes the water to heat up in your shower or sinks. If you just moved into a home, it may be worth looking around the faucets and fixtures where you notice it takes the water to warm. It is possible that the previous owner installed a low volume restrictor that is still there.
Distance: If you only notice sluggish water in certain faucets in your home then distance may be a factor. For instance, some people notice that their downstairs bathroom is quick to warm whereas it takes forever to get hot water upstairs. This is due to the fact that there is a greater distance between the hot water heater in the basement and the second floor. The farther away the hot water heater is from a fixture the longer it will take for hot water to be delivered. There are certain ways to address issues with the help of a plumbing service.
Sediment Buildup: Over time sediment starts to build up at the bottom of your hot water tank. Water naturally contains dissolved minerals such as magnesium and calcium that separate and drift down to the bottom of the tank. Unfortunately, the bottom of the tank is also where the electric heating elements are located which means that once the sediment builds up it can block the heat transfer to the water. As a result, it takes the hot water tank much longer to produce hot water compared to how it used to function. The good news is that an expert plumbing service can easily come to your home and remedy this issue. All it takes is a simple hot water tank cleaning by the plumbing service to remove the sediment and restore the overall performance and efficiency of your hot water heater. This is one reason that it is recommended that you book a routine plumbing service for your hot water heater every year.
Water Heater Needs Replacing: While this is not the answer you probably want to hear, if hot water is not properly working in your home this could be a sign that your water heater is starting to fail. Water heaters have a lifespan of about 10-12 years for the most part. Some models can last longer if they are maintained on a regular basis by a plumbing service. If your hot water heater is pushing towards the end of its lifespan and you are having issues with sluggish warm water there is a good chance that the water heater is worn out. You can attempt to wait it out, but if you do so you are taking the risk that you will end requiring an emergency plumbing service.
Emergency plumbing services always cost more than planned ones, so for your own sake instead of ignoring the warning signs you should call a plumbing service in Granbury, TX and have them come inspect your hot water tank. They can see if repair is still a viable option or inform you that it is time to start thinking about replacing your hot water tank. If they do think that you need to replace your tank make sure you ask for their recommendations as a local plumbing service should have a great handle on the best models that are available in your area. The plumbing service can also help you install your new water heater.
Water Heater Is Too Small: Before rushing to conclusions, one thing the plumbing service will also look at is the size of your home and family. If you purchased a new home from a single person or a married older couple, it’s possible that your water heater is simply too small to keep up with the new demands from your family. Two people using hot water in one house is drastically different than a family of five’s water usage. By the same token, if you bought your water heater when you first got married but now have several children, it may be time to upgrade to a larger unit. In this case you will never resolve your hot water issues until you replace your system with one that is equipped to handle a greater volume of water.
How Quickly Should Your Hot Water Restore Itself?
No one likes ending up in a cold shower or waiting to wash the dishes until there is warm enough water to do so. When you expect hot water you don’t want to be met with lukewarm water in its place. One common question that plumbing services hear is how often will the hot water take to come back once it runs out. The answer varies, but there are some guidelines that work for most people.
The amount of time it takes for a hot water tank to deliver hot water through faucets again is known as the recovery time. All models of hot water tanks have different recovery times, and it is one specification that you should familiarize yourself with if you are looking to replace your hot water tank. Recovery times that are shorter will keep your family’s access to hot water open much better than tanks with a slow recovery time.
However, there are some factors to consider. For example, longer tanks tend to take longer to recover than their smaller counterparts. This creates an interesting issue since a larger tank has the potential to ensure your hot water never runs out, but by the same token, if on a particularly heavy usage day it does, you will need to wait longer to get hot water back.
Most hot water tanks have a FHR rating, which is the first hour rating. When shopping for a hot water tank you want to choose one with a high FHR. The higher the number the quicker the water heater is able to provide hot water after emptying. In general, you should also be aware that electric water heaters take almost twice as long to reheat as gas models. Therefore, while electric heaters may be a cheaper option in many areas, you might pay for it with your time.
Finally, the actual temperature of water in your home will play a role in the overall recovery time. Cold water will warm much slower than lukewarm water. Therefore, you may notice that your hot water heater is able to recover faster during the summer months in Granbury, TX compared to the cooler winter months.
With all of this in mind, it will take most 80 gallon gas water heaters about an hour to fully recover. Thus, if you run out of hot water you should wait about an hour before attempting to shower or toss clothes into your washing machine.
Can I Improve the Length of Time It Takes for My Water to Reheat?
Outside of replacing your hot water tank for a more efficient modern model, there are a few steps you can take to help warm your water faster. One is the installation of a hot water recirculation system. You will need to consult with a plumbing service if you are considering this, but it can help you reduce the amount of wasted water in your home. In turn, this means that the water is not as cold when it returns to the hot water heater which allows it to be heated much more efficiently.
In essence, a hot water recirculation system returns wasted water back to the hot water heater from the tap and keeps already warmed hot water close to faucets. You can set the system to work based on a timer so that it is not wasting energy while you are not home. If you have problems all over your home with water heating properly then you may want to consider purchasing a water recirculation system that can be attached to your hot water heater directly.
Another thing you could think about is installing a tankless water heater. A tankless water heater can cut down your energy use by about 25% and produces hot water on demand. As the name suggests, this type of water heater does not have a tank. Instead, water passes over heating coils that warm it on demand. SInce the heating coils only turn on when hot water is demanded, the heater is largely off during the day which reduces a great deal of energy costs. It also means that you will never run out of hot water since it is produced on demand.
The only problem with a tankless water heater is that it can only produce so much hot water at once. Therefore, if you are attempting to run hot water from multiple locations in your home it may have trouble keeping up. This can also lead to hot water taking awhile to warm up.
If you have problems with hot water in your home, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth would be glad to come out and take a look. Our plumbing service has been offering expert knowledge and advice to our Fort Worth customer for years and would be happy to find a solution for you.