Water is life and rightly so. Each month, an estimated 3.9 trillion gallons of water is consumed throughout the country, of which an average family consumes about 400 gallons. That’s a lot of water! Out of such big numbers, an average American drinks about 3.18 liters of water, 61% of which is tap water. We’ve all been taught to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day and to stay hydrated so that we can fulfill our body’s requirements. Staying hydrated keeps you healthy, simple and plain. But what if the water you consume isn’t healthy?
Water consumption is a necessity for all living things but safe and hygienic drinking water is essential for humans. To get water all we have to do is turn on a tap or a faucet and we can enjoy 24 hour running water. Expensive and latest technology is used on water filtration systems to ensure that our drinking water is free of harmful bacteria. Strong chemicals are used during the process which proves successful in making the water hygienic. But many questions have been raised about water quality post-treatment. This shadow of doubt have created a strong and rapidly growing market for water filtration systems in Lake Worth, TX.
With state of the art technology, these water filtration systems remove harmful particles from water and make it safe for drinking. Let’s take a look at some of the many toxins that are contained in tap water.
Adding fluoride in water dates back to 1940’s when it was considered a good idea. Though fluoride is helpful in preventing tooth decay, over the years many studies have proven its harmful effects on health. The chemical directly affects thyroid and pineal gland. With an increase in cases of ADHD in the past 10 years, scientists are now studying whether fluoridation might be the cause. Fluoridation has also been linked to brain damage in kids.
With so much at risk due to fluoridation, many countries like Denmark, Norway and Sweden have banned the process and are now investing in water filtration systems. Meanwhile, some cities in the U.S are also following their lead.
PFASs (polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances)
According to a study conducted by Harvard University, 6 million people in the United States consume water that contains exceeded amounts of PFASs and these numbers might even be higher. The substance has been used at waste water treatment plants and has been linked to conditions such as obesity, hormonal imbalance and even cancer.
Though at first the substance was intentionally used for the water purification process but after almost 60 years, scientists have determined that the amount used must be reduced considerably. It is harmful for children and can adversely affect their immune systems. Though not all of them, but many cutting edge technology water filtration systems can help you with this problem.
Though it has been proven that chlorine is not completely safe, it is still used in the purification of drinking water. Just imagine, you’re drinking water that contains a chemical that is used in sanitization of industrial waste and is also the key ingredient in cleaning products.
There’s no doubt that it purifies water but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous for consumption. The side effects of chlorine consumption might not be apparent straight away, but in the long run it can result in impaired balance and even memory loss. This fact enough should make you consider a water filtration system.
This isn’t a toxin but in many ways is more dangerous than the other toxins on this list. This organism is a parasite that has been linked to more than 100,000 cases of waterborne outbreaks. They can cause diarrhea, cramps, vomiting and even diarrhea. Though it is rarely lethal, more than 4,000 people are affected by the parasite annually.
Water filtration systems are effective in successfully removing the parasite from your drinking water. It’s always safe to ask the sales people before you decide on any specific brand.
Though not intentionally added in high amounts, lead is still one of the toxins in your drinking water. Where does it come from then? Corroded pipes are the number one cause, even pipes in unmaintained water filtration systems.
Lead is a toxin that can affect almost all of your organs. If ingested during pregnancy, high amounts of lead can result in premature birth. Lead has been linked to a number of medical conditions such as brain damage, behavioral issues and it also damages your kidneys.
FDA and EPA keep a strict check and balance on the drinking water purification process and ensure that proper standards are followed. It’s not as if they aren’t aware of the chemicals used in the process but they make sure that the levels remain low, which will ensure that they don’t possess a danger to our well being. But you can’t ignore the fact that there are still dangerous toxins in tap water that we are consuming and will continue to consume if we don’t want to waste fortunes on buying bottled water.
A good purification plant can counter most of the harmful effects of these toxins. And make sure that you avoid excessive use of plastic bottles. These bottles or containers contain chemicals that are then absorbed by the water. Plastic itself has been linked to a cause of cancer and so it’s better to avoid it altogether.
Keeping in mind the factors mentioned here, you should ensure that the water you drink is safe and healthy for you. And you can only do that by investing in a water filtration system that promises results. If you are looking for water filtration systems in Lake Worth, TX, you can contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, for installation and advice.