Resealing the Shower | Plumber in Fort Worth

Mold in the bathroom shower is a sign that it may need resealing. Furthermore, a leaking shower will not only cause mold, but can damage the walls and floor of your home. Resealing the shower will prevent further damage and stop mold. A Benjamin Franklin Plumbing plumber in Fort Worth can provide the professional grade resealing of your shower you require.

sealing leaking shower plumber fort worth

A crack in the sealant of your shower allows water to leak out when the shower is used. The following are some of the signs that your shower may need resealing by a plumber in Fort Worth:

  • Mildew on shower walls
  • Damp floors
  • Damp walls
  • Increased moisture in the bathroom
  • Termites in the bathroom
  • Cracked grout and tiles
  • Loose tiles
  • Sealant peeling away
  • Mildew underneath the sealant

Replacing damaged floors, walls and floor joists can be extremely costly. Resealing your shower will cost no more than a $3 tube of sealant and will prevent additional damage. If you are unable to locate the leak, resealing the entire shower is going to be the logical decision. If you are not confident in your ability to provide an adequate resealing of the shower, a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth will provide the service for you.

Before resealing you will need to remove the old sealant. Do not simply remove what is loose and replace it, as you may miss other leaks. Remove all of the sealant completely, and reseal the shower.

To remove the sealant, use a tool especially for this purpose. One of the best makeshift tools to remove sealant is the razor tool used for cleaning smooth ceramic top stoves. The plastic case prevents fingers from being cut and provides a more even removal of old sealant. When using sharp instruments, use caution to avoid cutting the shower. Begin by running the blade parallel to the wall to break the seal between the sealant and the shower wall. Then do the same on the opposite surface of the sealant. Repeat until the sealant is removed. Use denatured alcohol to remove any remaining residue.

Next, you are ready to apply the sealant to the shower. You will need a caulking gun or sealant in a squeezable tube. Begin by applying sealant in a corner and apply a thin line around the entire shower. Then use a caulking tool to smooth it and press it tightly to both surfaces, or use a wet fingertip. Clean up any excess sealant with a damp sponge and allow the sealant to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions before using the shower again.

With the shower resealed you can now enjoy your showers without the fear of damage to your home. Sealing a shower may seem simple, but it actually takes some experience and skill to provide a professional appearance. A Benjamin Franklin Plumbing professional plumber in Fort Worth will be glad to provide this service for you. We are a member of the BBB, and stand behind our work with our 100% satisfaction guarantee, or we do redo it for free.