Shower Head Replacement | Plumbing Fort Worth

The shower head is an essential component of bathroom plumbing in Fort Worth for those who prefer showers over baths. Selecting the right one can provide an upgrade to the bathroom’s style, and improve the quality of your showers. You may wonder when to provide a shower head replacement, and the care it should receive.

plumbing fort worth shower head replacement

Insufficient Water Flow

When the shower head provides an insufficient flow to properly rinse, and has been in use for a number of years, it may be clogged with hard water deposits. When you have a hard water supply, shower heads can slowly clog up over time without a water softening system installed in your home’s plumbing in Fort Worth. In addition, some shower heads simply will not provide the desired water flow. A new one may provide the satisfying showers that you desire.

When you desire versatility, such as a handheld model provides, or one with a variety of settings, the broad range of available shower heads will provide one with the desired features.

An additional reason to purchase a replacement is for an upgrade in the bathroom’s appearance. Whether you’re remodeling the bathroom or simply freshening up the room’s style, installing an attractive new shower head provides a great way to improve both the bathroom’s design and function.

A growing number of homeowner’s, especially those in areas with frequent drought, are installing low-flow fixtures to their plumbing in Fort Worth for water conservation. Older shower heads can waste significant water, replacing an outdated and inefficient one with a low-flow model will assist in significantly lowering water consumption.

The majority of today’s low-flow shower heads perform just as well as older models, while using a fraction of the amount of water. If you have questions regarding a showerhead, or if need service for your plumbing in Fort Worth, contact a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth.

Shower Head Cleaning

Cleaning in white vinegar will remove the hard water deposits that build up and block the holes of the face plate. Providing a cleaning with vinegar has the added benefit of ridding it of bacteria. Cleaning isn’t a difficult task, simply unscrew the shower head and disassemble it as much as is possible. Test the finish in an inconspicuous area to ensure the vinegar won’t ruin the finish. Plastic models can especially be vulnerable to damage from acidic vinegar.

Using a container large enough for the shower head to fit into, and deep enough to completely submerge it, allow it to soak in warm white vinegar for 30 minutes or longer as needed to loosen mineral build-up. Use a soft brush to gently brush away remaining residue. A dental pick will clear the deposits from the holes in the face plate. Further soaks in increments of 20 minutes can be repeated as needed, then rinse and dry. Replace the shower head by using two or three rounds of plumbers tape on the pipe, and screwing the shower head back on. Check for leaks and repeat with fresh tape if necessary.

An additional recommendation is to install a filtering shower head, changing the filter as recommended. You will receive the benefit of healthier skin after installation, as it removes contaminants that can irritate the skin, while providing delicate skin protection from chemicals, and the potential danger of bacteria residing in this often forgotten component of your plumbing in Fort Worth.

If you require assistance with shower head replacement, contact us today. When you call upon a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth for plumbing services, you are assured of receiving a highly skilled, licensed and experienced plumber in Fort Worth. Benjamin Franklin’s professionals utilize the highest standards in the industry for taking care of your plumbing in Fort Worth. We serve Arlington, Fort Worth and the surrounding areas. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is a member of the BBB with a consistent A+ rating.