The Evolution of the Toilet | Plumber Fort Worth

Toilets consistently change in the effort to be more water efficient. As time goes on the amount of water required to flush a toilet continually decreases. While it saves water, the fact is toilets have lost flushing efficiency, and its weakened flush power can cause problems. When your toilet has issues call for the service of a professional plumber in Fort Worth.

toilets plumber fort worth

How Gravity Toilets Work

Gravity toilets use gravity to pull water and waste through the toilet, and into the sewer line. Depressing the handle on the toilet causes the tank valve to open, and the water within the tank drains into the toilet bowl. Gravity helps the water to gain enough speed to clear the waste and water through the drain. The water level in some toilets can be adjusted, allowing you to potentially improve the flush.

Clogs are going to occur, and someone simply using too much paper can create a clog. People put objects into the toilet that should never be flushed. Items like diapers, sanitary products, wipes, and Q-tips for example, are a certain recipe for a clogged toilet. When clogs occur, a toilet plunger can be your best solution. Ensure that you use a toilet plunger, as a sink plunger is ineffective on a toilet. When the clog is too tough for the plunger, call a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Fort Worth.

How Power-Assisted Toilets Work

Power-assisted toilets use compressed air to flush. Typically, these toilets use the home’s water supply and a pressure tank built into the toilet for a more effective flush. Though they do flush better, they are noisier and are more expensive than a gravity toilet to purchase, as well as for the repair when you need a plumber in Fort Worth.

Luxury Toilets

There are toilets with special features available. There are toilets to wash and dry you, toilets with air purifiers, toilets that raise the lid for you, and lower it when you are finished, toilets with seat warmers, and even a toilet that plays music while you occupy the throne to name a few options.

Until recent years toilet style had not changed significantly. It is only in recent years that you can purchase a toilet with an entirely new look where style and function come together to provide a whole new concept in the toilets appearance. When you need toilet repair or installation, call upon a Benjamin Franklin professional plumber in Fort Worth.

However, redesigning the toilet is a relatively new and ongoing field. Concept ideas are still in the research and planning stages overall. New shapes to better facilitate your business, toilets that can monitor your health through your waste and in some cases even prompt you that you are in need of certain nutritional elements or medical attention are in various stages of development.

Most people agree toilet innovations are long overdue. But as long as a budget toilet is under a hundred dollars and tomorrows toilet of today is $4K and even $11K, the majority of us will be sitting upon old faithful, with its ever diminishing flush.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing provides licensed plumbers for the Fort Worth and Arlington, Texas region. When you want a professional plumbing job by an experienced plumber in Fort Worth that you can trust, call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing. We are a member of the BBB and provide the industry’s best guarantee, we even guarantee our scheduled arrival or we pay you for the wait. All of our services are 100% satisfaction guaranteed or we redo it for free.