Pure and clean water is absolutely essential for a healthy body that has the natural strength to ward off diseases. But, how do we get pure and clean water? Through water filters – and we must really get them installed if we haven’t already. These systems filter out all impurities from water and make it safe for drinking. Where can you find a water filtration system in Haslet? Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Fort Worth offers several types of water filtration systems, all of which are of high quality as well as durable.
How does a typical water filtration system in Haslet work?
Generally, a typical water filtration system in Haslet functions through either of two main techniques: physical filtration, or chemical filtration. In the former technique, water is strained so as to filter out large impurities. This is similar to the filter which you see on electric kettles for removing lime scale particles. The latter of these uses an active material through which water is forced to pass. Impurities are removed through a chemical process.
What are the main types of water filtration methods?
Distillation is a traditional water purification method, which is still used in a conventional water filtration system in Haslet. The water is boiled, and the resulting vapors rise in the air and accumulate in an attached condenser. Over here, cool water lowers the temperature of water vapors, and so they condense. These condensed vapors are collected together and stored for later use. During the process, most of the impurities are left behind in the first vessel where water is in liquid phase.
The condensed water, commonly referred to as distilled water, may contain some minor impurities such as pesticides and herbicides, but only if water is boiled at a temperature below 100 degrees centigrade. Thus, water is somewhat filtered inefficiently through this kind of water filtration system in Haslet.
Distillation has other disadvantages as well, such as costs, speed and high energy consumption. Plus, distilled water may be acidic, lacks oxygen and other essential minerals, and has a different taste from ordinary water. So, this kind of water filtration system in Haslet is usually used in an industrial process.
Ion Exchange
In this technique, water is percolated through a resin material, during which ions present in the water are exchanged with other ions that are attached to the beads of the resin material. The ion exchange method can be classified into softening and deionization. Softening is a pretreatment method for a water filtration system in Haslet that operates on the reverse osmosis process – the technique to reduce water hardness. Generally, two sodium ions are exchanged for a magnesium or calcium ion, both of which cause water hardness.
Deionization is a process in which deionization or DI beads are exchanged with hydrogen or hydroxyl ions for cations or anions, respectively. The two hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are united together to form pure water molecules.
Generally, the resins are packed in a separate bead exchanger that features different cation and anion units. But, in some cases, they can be packed together in a mixed bead exchanger. Regardless of the construction, the resin has to be regenerated after all ions have been exchanged for charged water contaminants, which reverses the process. Thus, the contaminants are once again replaced with hydrogen and hydroxyl ions.
Deionization is not so effective when solely used in a water filtration system in Haslet. However, when used in other techniques such are carbon adsorption and RO filtration, then pure water can be obtained. Deionization does remove ions, but microorganisms and other organic particles may still be present in water.
Activated Carbon
Activated carbon is one of the most common methods used in a water filtration system in Haslet. The technique uses charcoal which is a porous form of carbon made from burning wood in a limited oxygen supply. Charcoal is a mix between sponge and lead. It has a huge surface area which features crannies and nooks that trap impurities through adsorption. This is a process in which gases or liquids are trapped by liquids or solids, respectively.
Charcoal is effective in removing general impurities, industrial solvents and some pesticide. However, it fails to work for hard water and doesn’t remove heavy metals like fluorine, nitrates or microbes.
The biggest disadvantage of this method is that impurities clog up the filters gradually, and then they have to be replaced, which may lead to significant ongoing costs.
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis is another common technique employed in a water filtration system in Haslet. Water is subject to high pressure, which forces it to pass through a membrane containing tiny holes. Contaminants are left behind, and only pure water passes through, which is then collected. The contaminated water is then disposed off.
Reverse osmosis filters water quite well. Efficiency increases, if water is passed through a carbon filter at the end. Viruses and parasites are also removed. Generally, such a system has a lifespan of three years and does require power for operation.
Water is filtered at a relatively slower speed, and can usually be used for drinking purpose only. Also, contamination causes all that water to be wasted. Plus, certain chemicals may still be present in the water even after it has been filtered.
Microscopic Basic Filtration
Microscopic basic filtration can be divided into three primary types: surface, screen and depth. A surface filter comprises of multiple layers, which retain particles bigger than the spaces in the filter unit, when water is made to pass through it. Contaminants are accumulated on the filter’s surface. A screen filter has a uniform structure, similar to a sieve, which retains particles bigger than the pore size. A depth filter features matted fibers which are compressed into a matrix form. Contaminants are retained through entrapment or adsorption.
The three filters are meant for different purposes. The technique is effective, but does not get rid of dissolved organics.
So, which kind of water filtration system in Haslet fits your need? Talk to the experts at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Fort Worth, and they’ll help you decide.