Expansion Tanks | Water Heater Repair Arlington

Water expands when it is heated, increasing the pressure inside a water heater. In homes lacking a check valve, or backflow preventer, thermal expansion leads to the pressure forcing hot water into the home’s plumbing, and potentially into the public water supply. Once either of these devices is installed, hot water driven by excess pressure loses the avenue of escape into the public water supply, and pressure can continue to build. An expansion tank will resolve this issue, by relieving the excess pressure in the water heater, and providing a location for expanded hot water to be stored until used. If you have had to replace a damaged water heater, or provide water heater repair in Arlington due to pressure damage, consider installing an expansion tank.

Water Heater Repair Arlington

Furthermore, if a backflow preventer has been installed on your municipal water supply, an expansion tank may be required by local or state code. If not, it is highly recommended to install one in order to provide protection for the water heater. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing provides expansion tank installation, repair or replacement, as well as water heater repair in Arlington.

A sign of hot water heater problems due to elevated pressure may be water that is hotter than normal. In addition, cold water may seem unusually warm due to pressurized hot water backing up in the homes plumbing lines. Finally, you may hear the hot water heating more often than is normal. You may not be aware of this sound, but an unusual increase in operation frequency without increased demand can be a sign of a potential problem and the need for water heater repair in Arlington.

Recent federal legislation requiring backflow preventer installation to prevent potentially contaminated water from homes backing up into the municipal water supply will be implemented by state and local authorities. If a backflow preventer has already been installed on your municipal water supply, an expansion tank may be required by local or state code. If not, it is highly recommended to install one. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing provides expansion tank installation, repair or replacement, as well as water heater repair in Arlington.

When pressure is elevated in a water heater, a diaphragm within the expansion tank retracts allowing expanded hot water to enter the expansion tank. This effectively reduces the pressure in the water heater, preventing damage to the appliance, and your water lines. The accumulated hot water in the expansion tank is released back into the water heater when needed.

As municipalities upgrade their systems to conform to the federal legislation requiring the installation of backflow preventers, expansion tank installation will become required by local and state codes in the following situations:

  • With the replacement of water meters.
  • With the replacement of a hot water heater.
  • With new home construction.
  • When a backflow preventer is installed on the water meter.
  • When a new pressure regulating valve is installed or replaced on the home’s main water supply.

The installation of an expansion tank provides an extra layer of protection for the water heater, and preventing ruptured hot water lines, as well as to ensure the protection of your home and its foundation from damaging water leaks, while reducing the need for water heater repair in Arlington related to high pressure damage.

You can depend upon a Benjamin Franklin plumber in Arlington for the installation, repair or service of expansion tanks. Our experienced, certified and licensed plumbers provide a broad range of professional plumbing services including water heater repair in Arlington. We look forward to serving you. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing serves Arlington, Fort Worth and the surrounding areas, and is a member of the BBB with a consistent A+ rating.