Safe drinking water is a priority for any household. In our area, including the Dallas-Fort Worth region, most of our drinking water comes from lakes and reservoirs. Although our city has ranked at the top nationwide for the quality of its drinking water and treatment center, the fact is that tests have revealed even trace amounts of pharmaceuticals getting into the supply even here. Plus, exceeding EPA regulations may not necessarily result in the purest water you and your family can drink. To ensure water safety, it might be time to talk to Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth about our water filtration systems.

Where Does Our City Water Come From?

Arlington’s city water comes from four different reservoirs: Lake Arlington, Cedar Creek, Lake Benbrook, and Richland-Chambers Reservoir. Two treatment centers serve the city. The treatment centers use ozone (primarily) along with aluminum sulfate and a cationic polymer to disinfect water before it’s sent through carbon filtration and sent to storage with some additional treatments, including ammonia and chlorine. While this process meets EPA standards, there have been many instances when contaminants have exceeded recommended amounts. For many people, legally safe drinking water may simply not be safe enough, which is why they choose to install home water filtration systems.

What’s in the Water?

There are multiple sources where residents can obtain information about contaminants and pollutants found in the city’s drinking water supply. It’s understandable why some people might not want to obtain this information from a company that sells water filtration systems, so be sure then to obtain the contaminant list from an independent and objective source such as Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nationwide non-profit that focuses on many environmental concerns, including drinking water safety, food safety, toxic chemicals in the environment, household and consumer products, and more.

According to EWG and other sources such as newspapers and the treatment centers themselves (they have to report when levels exceed recommended thresholds), there have been instances when our city’s water supply contained contaminants and pollutants that exceeded recommended levels. Here is a sample of what has been found in Arlington’s drinking water:


The legal limit for arsenic as mandated by the EPA is 10 ppb (parts per billion). EWG recommends no more than .004 ppb to meet its safety standards that are more rigorous than those of the EPA. Arlington’s water supply exceeded EWG’s safe arsenic limits with its score of .494 ppb.

Arsenic can occur naturally in bedrock or soil and then leech into the water. Other sources of arsenic can come from agricultural spraying and coal ash disposal. Arsenic has an increased risk for cancer. Someone who is chronically exposed to arsenic may be at increased risk for lung cancer, bladder cancer, and kidney cancer. To ensure that your drinking water contains as little arsenic as possible, it’s a good idea to investigate water filtration systems for your home.


There isn’t a legal limit set specifically for chloroform. EGW says no more than .4 ppb should be found in drinking water. The report for our city included a measurement of 3.52 ppb. The EPA lists chloroform regulations under trihalomethanes with a recommendation 80 ppb for total trihalomethanes. Although chloroform is under the total limit, it’s over the limit for an individual trihalomethane, which shouldn’t exceed 1 ppb.


Bromate has a cancer risk. The EPA mandates no more than 10 ppb in drinking water; the EWG says a safer limit is .1 ppb. The actual finding in our drinking water when tested was 1.09 ppb. Large amounts of bromate exposure are particularly dangerous for kidneys.


Nitrate limits set by the EPA are 10 ppm (parts per million). EWG recommends a lower level of 0.14 ppm for safety. The actual finding in drinking water was 0.386. Nitrate-contaminated water can elevate the risk for bladder cancer and increase development risks for pregnant women.

Other chemicals found in our drinking water that exceeded EWG’s recommended safety standards include haloacetic acids, dichloroacetic acid, radium, dibromoacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, fluoride, copper, lead, chromium, and dibromochloromethane. To reduce these contaminants and elevate the safety of your drinking water, you should talk to our plumbing pros about water filtration systems that can make your water safer.

Is Legally Safe Drinking Water Safe Enough?

The EPA sets legal limits for allowable contaminants and pollutants in water, but many watchdog groups like EWG say that EPA standards aren’t safe enough, which is why they publish their own safety recommendations. These nonprofits don’t sell water filtration systems. They base their findings on clinical research as well as a lack of clinical research. For instance, a lack of clinical research about a chemical’s effect on humans doesn’t make it safe in drinking water. Ideally, there should be as low levels of contaminants in drinking water as possible to ensure its safety.

Here’s a problem that residents of any town should consider. The EPA hasn’t added new contaminants to its list of regulated contaminants/pollutants since 1996. There’s a consensus among watchdog groups that this is a serious oversight and that the regulations need to be updated to improve the quality and safety of drinking water around the country.

Additionally, the EPA doesn’t regulate private well water systems. So, if you live in a rural area without city water and rely on a well, you may want to have your water tested routinely and also protect your household with water filtration systems.

Improve the Safety of Your Drinking Water

The most convenient way to make your water safer is to begin by investigating water filtration systems. You can contact our company to learn more about the water filtration systems that we favor and install. There are many types of filtering systems commercially available today. However, it makes sense to adopt ours so that you can rely on us to maintain it for you.

Fortunately, there are many types of products that we can install for you. You might opt for whole-house filtration or filters for kitchen faucets only. We can help you select a system or product that’s ideal for your home and budget. We also feature reverse osmosis systems for homes and commercial properties and businesses. Since we carry replacement filters, you’ll find it convenient to maintain these types of systems with our help.

Our plumbers can recommend various water filtration companies and their products. We stay on top of the industry to ensure we bring the best range of products to our customers. While we’re known throughout the region for the superior quality of our plumbing services, we’ve branched into water filtration because of the need we know our customers have for clean and safe drinking water.

What Systems Are Best for Removing Potentially Harmful Contaminants?

There’s no doubt about it–it can be extremely confusing to find the ideal filtration product or system for your home since there are so many to choose from. That’s why it’s helpful to discuss your needs with one of our plumbing pros. There are some excellent options but the different products tend to have their high points and vulnerabilities too. Here’s an overview of some popular filtration options:

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a filtration method that involves the forcing of water through a membrane that’s semipermeable. The membrane allows water to flow through but blocks the contaminants from flowing through. These systems are known to filter our contaminants, metals, and even parasites very well. Often, these systems can be pricier than others. However, we do install these systems and can point you to what we believe are the best products with the best value.

Ceramic Filters

Many people prefer ceramic filters because they’re inexpensive, easy to install, and require no electricity to operate. This filter works by preventing large molecules of pollutants from sifting through the ceramic pores and into your drinking water. These filters do not work well for filtering out viruses. They need to be treated with silver in order to eradicate mold or bacteria.

Carbon Block Filters

Carbon filters or activated charcoal filters are common types of affordable filtration systems used in homes. These are the types of filters you might add to a water pitcher for your fridge or on a kitchen sink faucet. These filters work by attracting and absorbing contaminants contained in the water. Although they remove a considerable range of contaminants, they can’t remove organic matter dissolved in the water or are effective for removing minerals.

Ion Exchange Filters

Highly effective ion exchange filters by removing common pollutants as well as dissolved organic material. These filtering systems are ideal for removing heavy metals, hard water minerals, and many other contaminants. These systems are not ideal for removing bacteria or viruses, however, and they do generate wastewater.

Water Testing

Determining what type of system to buy is, as you can see, somewhat challenging. The best way to begin is by having your water tested. That way, you can get some idea of what you’re trying to filter out. Many filters are better at filtering certain materials than others. You can choose a system that meets your water’s specific needs. Our plumbers can help you select the filter that makes sense for your home and budget.

Know the Benefits

Investing in a filtering system for your home’s drinking water may or may not be something you’re ready to do, but it might help to know the benefits of these systems before making your decision. Remember these:

Cheaper than Water Bottles

Investing in a drinking water filtering system is a less expensive option than buying water bottles or water jugs at the store. You won’t have to lug heavy packs of water bottles into your home or worry about disposing of them in an eco-friendly fashion.

Better for the Environment

Reducing your plastic consumption is good for the environment. You don’t have to use plastic water bottles anymore after installing a home filtering water system. Just fill up your glass at the sink and enjoy.

Improved Protection from Toxins

While Arlington’s water treatment plants do an admirable job meeting EPA standards, those standards are not rigorous enough according to many safety groups. Make your water even safer with a filtering system that filters pollutants, toxic chemicals, and other contaminants you don’t want to drink–even in tiny amounts.

Low Maintenance

Most filtration systems are amazingly low maintenance. When you hire us for their installation, you can rest assured that we’ll install your system perfectly. We can also handle the maintenance for you.

Increased Longevity for Appliances

Hard water is not conducive to appliance longevity. With a whole house filtration system, you can better protect your appliances such as your dishwasher and washing machine from hard water mineral buildup. Many types of filters are adept at filtering out those unwelcome minerals that can sabotage your dishwasher or hot water heater before their suggested replacement time.

Peace of Mind

When you filter your own water, you have added protection from potentially harmful chemicals that slip through the treatment centers’ cracks. The fact is, unwanted chemicals have been found at elevated rates in many cities and towns all over the country. Just because water is safe this month, what about next? Safety isn’t static; water safety is dynamic. Next month, Arlington’s water might again show high levels of pharmaceuticals. With a filtration system, you’ll be protected from potentially harmful contaminants.

Call our plumbers to learn more about the filtering systems we install or to find out more about them.

At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth, we can install and maintain your new filtration system. Remember that we also offer a full lineup of professional plumbing services, including drain cleaning, sewer line clearing, leak detection, and much more.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Find out our service area here and here.

Photo By PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek  at Shutterstock

How Homeowners Can Help Prevent Hiring A Plumbing Company And Paying For Costly Repairs

How Homeowners Can Help Prevent Hiring A Plumbing Company And Paying For Costly Repairs

No homeowner ever wants to call a plumbing company and pay for a costly plumbing repair. This is because of the costs associated with water damage and other issues with your plumbing. Thankfully, there are ways to help you avoid problems with your plumbing systems. Read this article for helpful tips.

What You Can Do to Avoid Costly Plumbing Repairs

If you don’t want to call a plumbing company, follow the tips below:

1. Install Shut Off Valves – Several of These

When there’s a leak in your plumbing, the first thing you need to do is turn off the water supply to prevent further damage. You can do this by turning the valve off. However, most of these devices are usually installed in the basement, making it difficult to turn them off.

One of the problems that can come up when the shut-off valve is installed in the basement is that you might not be able to turn it off, especially when the basement starts flooding. You can remedy this problem by installing a shut-off valve.

What you can do is install several of these shut-off devices and place them near your water heater and other plumbing appliances or fixtures. Don’t forget to also test these devices to make sure they actually work. If there are problems, contact a licensed plumber right away so they can inspect your device and repair or replace it.

You can avoid calling a plumbing company for costly repairs when you follow the instructions when you follow this tip. You get to also avoid further damage to your plumbing. However, it’s still recommended you take extra precautions because plumbing repairs are still expensive. It’s always best when there are no leaks in your plumbing and the most effective thing you can do to avoid this is by taking care of your plumbing. We’ll cover this in the next step.

2. Check the Pipes

After installing shut-off valves, the next step is to protect your plumbing system by calling a plumbing company for a thorough inspection of your plumbing. Do this when you have older pipes at home because older pipes are prone to damage and are more susceptible to rust. If you don’t know the type of piping installed in your home or how long it’s been installed because it was already there when you moved in, we suggest calling a plumber today so he can check it for you.

If you still have older pipes, contact a plumber today because you might need to get new pipe replacements. Good alternatives are PVC and copper piping; they are less susceptible to damage and rust. For installation though, please make sure to only hire a licensed plumber for it. Incorrect installation of your pipes can lead to other issues including leaks. Remember, water damage can cost you a fortune in repairs, replacements and restoration services but you can avoid calling a plumber for costly repairs when getting stronger piping.

3. Protect the Pipes

After checking the pipes, the next step is to protect them. Some of the things you can do to protect your pipes are to insulate them during winter and to avoid clogs.

When the temperature starts freezing, make sure the pipes are well insulated so that the water inside them doesn’t freeze. You can just cover them with an insulating blanket or you can also open the faucet so that warm water can flow through the pipes. If the water freezes and it takes you a while to thaw the pipes, they can actually expand and then burst. This can lead to a catastrophic plumbing emergency in your home. You’ll know the water freezes because no water would come out of the faucet or the shower. When this happens, call for help immediately. A plumber should be able to help you thaw the pipes.

You can also protect the pipes by not ignoring slow drains or minor clogs. Install strainers to catch debris and other dirt that can lead to a major clog. You can also consider installing a garbage disposal to help you better manage your food waste. Most importantly, call a plumber for a professional drain cleaning service to ensure your drains are healthy.

4. Never Postpone Repairs

When there are issues with your plumbing systems — perhaps you suspect leaks in the water heater or when the toilet never stops running, make sure that you call a plumber right away to fix the problem. Never postpone getting repairs or it might be too late for you. Plumbing emergencies don’t usually occur overnight; they happen when the homeowner neglects their plumbing. The next time you find issues with your plumbing, get help immediately so that you avoid calling a plumbing company for a costly repair.

5. Always Get Professional Installation

Are you planning to install a new plumbing appliance or fixture? Hire a licensed plumber only to get the unit professionally installed. Incorrectly installed appliances can also lead to other problems including damage. You might end up replacing your unit as well if it wasn’t professionally installed.

Plumbing appliances usually come with manuals as well. However, most manufacturers would usually request professional installation so that you get to keep the warranty. Don’t install it on your own especially when you’re not a licensed plumber and you don’t have experience installing that appliance.

Before using the appliance for the first time, we also recommend you read the manual first just to make sure you know how to properly use the unit. If you have questions, feel free to get in touch with a plumber for assistance.

6. Don’t Do Repairs on Your Own

If you need help with a plumbing appliance or a fixture, we suggest you always contact a licensed plumber for it. Avoid hiring unlicensed plumbers that offer their services at a lower price because chances are they don’t really offer 100% customer satisfaction. So if they make a mistake, you will have no choice but to hire another plumber who can correct the mistake and this can cost you more money down the road. Unlicensed plumbers are also not insured. This is because they will not be able to get any insurance because they don’t have a license. So if they get injured, you may end up paying for their medical expenses and this is the last thing that you want to happen to you. To avoid extra expenses, we suggest you get in touch with a licensed plumber instead.

7. Maintain Your Water Heater

Water heater tanks contain hundreds of gallons of water. When the tank is damaged, water can leak into your home and this can cause significant water damage that may cost you a fortune in repairs and restorations. If there are damaged appliances, you may also end up getting new replacements. You can avoid this by taking care of your water heater tank.

First, you need to flush the water heater at least once a year to get rid of the sediment build-up that will accumulate in the tank. When the sediment isn’t removed, you’ll have less space for hot water and you’ll start to have a lot of issues with your water heater. You may notice that you constantly run out of hot water or you’re getting inconsistent water temperatures. This is due to the sediment at the bottom of the tank. You can remove this by flushing your water heater.

If you have low water pressure though or when there are high levels of hard water in your plumbing, there might be a need to flush the water heater more than once a year. You may have to do this twice or thrice, depending on the issue. Sediment will build up faster when the water pressure is low or when there’s hard water in your plumbing. Low water pressure can also indicate a leak in your plumbing so it’s best to contact a plumbing company so they can thoroughly inspect your plumbing system.

You also need to contact a plumber so that they can professionally inspect your water heater. They need to know if the heating element of the water is still working and if your water is clean and not contaminated. Don’t hesitate to call us if you need help with water heater inspection and we will quickly dispatch a plumber to your location.

For those with water heaters that are more than 10 years old, you might want to consider switching to the tankless unit to reduce your chances of getting leaks in your plumbing. Compared to the tank-type water heater, the tankless water heater lasts longer, up to 20 years. You can also install it on the bathroom wall and less maintenance is required. Talk to us if you want to know more about tankless water heaters and if you’re ready to install one for your home. Our plumbers can also help you determine the water heater flow rate so that you won’t run out of hot water in your home.

8. Get Routine Plumbing Inspections

As much as possible, consider hiring a plumber to regularly inspect your plumbing. You can avoid costly repairs when your plumbing is well-maintained. During the appointment, the plumber would check all your plumbing appliances and fixtures, making sure they’re still in excellent shape. If there are issues, he would try to correct this on the same day. Call us if you need a professional who can properly inspect your plumbing and we’ll be there to help.

Should you need emergency plumbing service, we also operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can call us in the wee hours of the morning or during holidays and we’ll still dispatch a plumber to your location.

9. Maintain the Water Pressure

Another way to avoid calling a plumbing company and paying for a costly repair is to ensure that your water pressure is at normal levels. It must be between 40 and 60 PSI. A water pressure that’s below 40 PSI means it’s low and it can also indicate leaks in your plumbing especially when it’s accompanied by a high water bill. High water pressure is also bad news; this can severely strain the pipes and lead to costly water damage.
A water pressure regulator should help you regulate your home’s water pressure levels.

You’ll need a water pressure gauge to help you check the water pressure in your home. You can get this at your local shop or contact a plumber to know where you can get a water pressure gauge or if you need assistance on how to use this device.

10. Install Leak Detection Device

Do you have leak detection devices installed in your home? We highly recommend you get them to prevent further damage to your home. These devices will need to be installed near plumbing appliances and fixtures and will need to be also connected to your phone or tablet to get alerts of a possible leak in your plumbing. You’ll be notified when it detects a possible leak in your plumbing or when there are abnormalities in the system. Contact a plumbing company when you’re ready to install these devices.

Get in Touch with Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth

Do you need a plumbing company with experienced plumbers who take care of major repairs or installations? You’ve come to the right place. Our plumbing experts are not just licensed, they can get the job done right the first time. We’re also fully equipped so if an issue comes up, you don’t have to call us again to set another appointment. We will do our best to resolve the issue on the same day.

If you’re looking for competent plumbers, contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth today for an appointment.

See our previous blog on this topic here.

Photo By The Toidi at Shutterstock

How Plumbing Maintenance Can Prevent The Need For Calling A Plumber

How Plumbing Maintenance Can Prevent The Need For Calling A Plumber

When was the last time you had a regular plumbing inspection? If it’s been a while since you hired a plumber to thoroughly check on your plumbing, now’s the time to get a professional to inspect your plumbing appliances and fixtures for any signs of damage and to keep them in excellent shape. In this article, we’ll talk about the importance of regular plumbing maintenance and why homeowners and businesses must prioritize it.

When to Get a Plumbing Inspection

For homeowners, it’s recommended to get a plumbing inspection every year or every couple of years. We suggest you speak to a plumber regarding this. They would be able to advise you on when to get an inspection for your home. It’s also recommended to get an inspection after a storm, when you move into a new home and when you go for a long vacation.

One of the causes of leaks is shifts in your home’s foundation. This usually occurs when there’s a storm or when other natural disasters occur. You don’t have control over this but you can hire a licensed professional to inspect your plumbing system for sudden changes that might affect the efficiency of your plumbing. Plumbing experts can usually tell if there are problems that will need to be addressed, which is why it’s crucial to hire a licensed plumber only. Without a routine inspection, you might not notice changes in your plumbing that might eventually lead to a serious issue that will cost you a fortune in repairs and restorations.

When you move into a new home, it’s also important to check the condition of the plumbing pipes (if everything is already set up). You may not need to do this when the house is brand-new. If it’s old, we suggest you really get a thorough inspection so that a plumber can check on the condition of your pipes. In fact, you should get an inspection even before buying or renting a home. Galvanized pipes must be replaced (if you bought an old house) for they’re more susceptible to damage and rust. Go with either copper or PVC piping as both are more durable.

It’s also necessary to get an inspection when you go on a long vacation. The last thing you want is to come home to a flooded basement or home because you forgot to insulate the pipes. A plumber would be able to advise you on how to protect your plumbing while you’re away so ensure you only hire licensed professionals because they know what they’re doing.

For business owners or property managers, it’s recommended you do this at least once a year. Maintaining the plumbing system of a commercial property is important because you can lose customers when your plumbing is in bad shape.

If you’re a homeowner with a tank-type water heater, it might be best to get an inspection once a year so that the plumbing expert can check your water heater as well.

Why It’s Important to Hire a Licensed Professional

Have you ever tried hiring an unlicensed plumber to take care of repairs or installations? Some homeowners have actually tried this. While there’s nothing wrong with doing this, it can actually be quite risky. They don’t have insurance so when part of your home or an appliance is damaged, you will not be able to file a claim for it. If they end up getting injured, you may have to also pay for their medical bills. You can avoid this by hiring a licensed professional.

Additionally, some DIY enthusiasts may not be fully equipped so they might ask you to purchase some parts which can cost you more money. In some cases, they may cut corners to make it appear as if they have already fixed the issue when the reality is that it was only a temporary fix.

When you hire us, rest assured that our plumbing experts will never cut corners. Our team will work hard to ensure the problem is resolved permanently and your plumbing system is in excellent shape. We’re also fully equipped so you need to worry about buying plumbing parts or tools. Most importantly, we’re fully insured, for your peace of mind. Don’t worry though because we always prioritize your safety. You can trust us for we’ve been doing this for a very long time, and we’ve managed to build a reputation for being a highly reliable and dependable plumbing company in the area.

If you need a plumbing expert to perform inspections, you’ve definitely come to the right place. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today and our team will quickly send a professional to your business or home.

Why You Shouldn’t Try DIY

Some of you may have already tried doing some projects with the help of a YouTube video. If you like DIY projects, doing repairs or installations on your own might appear to you. While we’re not fully asking everyone to never do this, we do recommend that you hire a licensed professional for major repairs or installations. Minor plumbing projects are probably okay but if you need to install a new water heater or replace new piping, it’s a must to really hire a licensed plumbing expert for this.

If you do your own repairs and rely heavily on YouTube to diagnose and resolve plumbing problems, chances are you might be setting yourself up for more problems. This is because it can be difficult to get a proper diagnosis if you just rely on a video and you don’t have the right tools to know the problem. For example, you decide to resolve a major clog. This is okay but you may not be able to permanently resolve it unless you actually know what’s restricting water flow. When you hire our plumbing experts, we’ll use drain cameras to help us see the interior of the pipes and assess their condition. We’ll be able to know what the problem really is by using a drain camera.

What About Home Maintenance?

Just because you get routine plumbing inspections doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your own part. As a homeowner, part of your responsibility is to protect your home and the best way to do this is to ensure the plumbing appliances and fixtures are in good condition. Otherwise, you will end up paying for costly repairs and replacements.

We suggest you create a checklist to serve as your guide. Write all of your appliances including the fixtures and determine which appliance you should check weekly or monthly. If you have an old water heater, it’s recommended you regularly check this for any damage or wear and tear. You need to also flush the water heater at least once a year to remove the sediment buildup that can affect the efficiency of your water heater. Try to also hire a plumber to check your water heater’s heating elements to see if it’s still working. He needs to also inspect your water, to see if it’s clean and not contaminated.

Try to adhere to the schedule as much as possible. If you suspect any problem with an appliance or fixture, please call us immediately so that we can further investigate. We’ll perform a diagnosis and recommend the best solutions. We’ll never leave our homes unless we’re certain everything is good to go.

Monitoring Your Water Bill

One of the most important things you can do is to monitor your bill every month. If your bill for certain months is unusually higher and there’s low water pressure as well, this can indicate a leak in your plumbing. Try to do a water meter test to check if there might be a leak somewhere in your plumbing. You can also get professional leak detection so that a plumbing expert can really locate the leak and fix it for you.

Never ignore signs of hidden leaks or you might wake up to an already flooded home. Some plumbing emergencies don’t just occur overnight, they can happen gradually. If you keep ignoring problems, you’ll end up with an even more costly repair. In some cases, you might have to spend more on replacements and restoration services.

It’s also important not to ignore high water pressure for this can actually lead to more problems at a later time. A water pressure that’s more than 60 PSI is already considered high and must be corrected. You can get a water pressure regulator to help you regulate your home’s water pressure levels. If you have other concerns or need additional help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us anytime. We’re more than happy to help out.

Should You Switch to Tankless Water Heaters?

Are you still using a tank-type water heater? Is your unit properly maintained? If you have an old unit that’s no longer that efficient and you’re worried about flooding in the basement, we recommend you consider installing a tankless water heater for your home. If your goal is to save money on your heating, the tankless water heater would be the best choice. You don’t need to constantly turn on your unit, making them one of the most energy-efficient options. No need to worry about leaks as well because there’s no tank in the basement. It’s still important to maintain your tankless water heater though. Just follow the manufacturer’s recommendation on how to properly maintain the unit. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a plumber in the area.

You also don’t need a bigger space for your tankless water heater because you can just install this on your bathroom wall. Compared to the tank-type water heater, the tankless version also lasts longer, up to 20 years. However, the tankless unit can be expensive. If you do think of the benefits you’ll get, we can say it’s worth it to get a tankless unit.

Other Signs You Need Routine Inspections

While it’s recommended to get a plumbing inspection when buying an old home or when you go away on a long vacation, calling a professional may also be necessary especially when you suspect a problem with your plumbing. Let us know if something doesn’t feel right about your plumbing and we will investigate further. Our plumbing experts are fully equipped to properly give you a diagnosis as well as the best solution.

Contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth

Are you looking for the services of a plumber in your area? Look no further, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth is here to help. When it comes to plumbing, there’s nothing we can’t do. Call us if you need help with any repair work and our team will make sure that everything is in good condition. We will carefully inspect your plumbing, give you a proper diagnosis and the most cost-effective plumbing solutions.

We’re also available around the clock and are always ready to cater to that who need emergency plumbing service. When your home starts flooding because a pipe has burst, rest assured you can always rely on us to fix the problem. Call us during holidays or in the wee hours and we’ll be there to help.

Our goal at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Fort Worth isn’t just to deliver exceptional and top-notch plumbing service on every appointment, we want all of our customers to be completely happy and satisfied. You can trust that we’ll always go the extra mile for you and we will work hard to resolve the issue and ensure it’s permanently fixed.

If you’re looking for a plumbing expert that’s exceptionally good at what he does, call us today for an appointment.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By Pixel-Shot at Shutterstock

Check out this tip!